Official Turnip Prices Thread

Mine are at 416 vuv PM me if you would like to come and sell.
Has someone turnips at a good/okay price? I have a LOT (bought turnips for 1 mil) and Reese buys for 37 bells. ._. I'm happy as long as I don't make a loss, so anything 100+ is good for me.
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I'm on 54 :( I'd love to help people.. but..

you could just sell for a lower price, and at least get some of your money back ;3
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I plan on doing that, yeah. It's 7pm in my timezone, so I still have hope that someone might post here, but yeah, if there's seriously no one around, I'l have to take the loss.
Turnips are at 126 in my town for any last minute sellers.PM me if you want to come over. My town name is Tater. If an hour has passed since this post was made then assume my gates are closed for the night. :x
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Joan is selling turnips for 98 if you are interested let me know :)
My town is ivory
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