I don't know if I still have you added, but you can try to come right now, if I don't need to add you otherwise you have to wait a bit
May I come? My FC is 3394-4598-9731 and the character would be Giada from Fronslon. I'll also leave a tip Let me know when there's a spot availableTurnips sell in my town for 319 bells right now, if anyone is interested, just tell me
I would open up again, turnips selling for 319
I would open up again, turnips selling for 319
Sure, I should have added you already
Sure, I should have added you already
I added all of you
You can come now
I added all of you
You can come now
From now on I won't be open for anyone else anymore (those who I added still can come), thank you all for coming
From now on I won't be open for anyone else anymore (those who I added still can come), thank you all for coming