I currently have someone in my town but once they leave, I'll add the four of you.
You guys will have to be the last four though! (sorry to other people!)
Your town is full right now, I'll wait a few minutes
Thanks to everyone who left a tip! I'll try and give you all feedback on your wifi pages later.
My turnip prices are currently 475 so let me know if you wanna come round and sell!
anyone have their town on sunday selling turnips? i have a close friends town who has their town selling turnips for 519. you can join for free if you can sell me turnips xD
hii sure ! ill message you their FC in a minute so u could come to their town okay? xDUnfortunely I don't time travel but I would like to sell and I'll leave a tip if that works...
hii sure ! ill message you their FC in a minute so u could come to their town okay? xD
YAY really? i'll be free in about 10-15 minutes is that alright? in turn for your TT troubles my friend said they would leave their gates open so u could repeatedly sell to your hearts content!I can TT to sunday I would love to come by and sell some turnips!
** tried quoting... didn't work lol