Turnips are up for 121 bells in my town today, if that's suitable for you. : )Anyone with turnip prices over 100 bells willing to let me sell mine?
Turnips are up for 121 bells in my town today, if that's suitable for you. : )
Thinking about investing tomorrow. Does this thread see much action, I feel not many people post their prices.
People do post, well there are 825 pagesThis thread has helped and I've sold turnips for 600 each thanks to this thread. Another thing you can do is use the tumblr tag 'turnip spike' which helped me greatly last night.
Thought they dont sell on sunday, or did you TT?Not a ton, but turnips are going for 147 bells today so shoot me a PM/visitor message if you want to sell in my town.
I TT'd <3
OK, I'm actually at someone's town rn and I think you are too; I'll shoot you a VM when you can come.
I TT'd <3
OK, I'm actually at someone's town rn and I think you are too; I'll shoot you a VM when you can come.
You can both come, Freedomna and siyichen, I just need a second to go visit someone. Will VM you when my gates are open, please add my FC.
Sorry, since you never replied, Freedomna, I'm back to TT.![]()