Official Turnip Prices Thread

Reese is buying them for 219 over here. I'll have that price for the next day or so. PM if you'd like to come over.
My turnip prices haven't been good, so far, I am updating it regularly, and if you guys could help me identify the turnip pattern, that would be great, I will be doing this every week in this thread, so if you see that the prices are ok, feel free to PM me and I will let you come and sell, just don't vandalize or steal anything in my city :3

here is the link to the spread-sheet:
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Does anyone have Joan in their town? I would like to buy turnips (preferably for a low price) and fill my locker with them.
looking for good turnip prices

If you wanna sell at a good price you can come by my town. I have turnips at 503 bells. details here.

But I'm also looking for someone who has Joan in their town, I wanna make some sweet bells for myself. If you have your game on sunday lemme know!
Turnips are currently 604 bells in my town. Since I didn't buy any this week, tips would be appreciated ;_; (though they're not necessary)
my retail is buying turnips at 419 bells right now if anyone's interested, i'll be opening my gates in an hour.
Reese is taking turnips at 493 bells today in Dolce! We're a relatively new town, and while tips are not required, they are certainly appreciated! Please either reply here or private message me to add!
Could someone let me sell a ton of turnips in their town? My had a decreasing pattern this week and I can't afford the loss. Please help?