Junior Member
Does anyone have good turnip prices today? I have decreasing prices and really need to sell
Mine are 215 right now if anyone would like to come sell
Oh well that sounds good to me! Can I come?
Yes! Let me add you real quick and I'll open up! ^-^
I'm so sorry guys! D: My schedule ended up being crazy right after that :/ I'll let you know my prices tomorrow, and (Hopefully they'll still be pretty high :3) And you guys can sell then
Don't worry bout it! I'll be checking for any good prices tomorrow anyway lol
Don?t worry it happens if you are available today and prices are still good I would like to come sellI'm so sorry guys! D: My schedule ended up being crazy right after that :/ I'll let you know my prices tomorrow, and (Hopefully they'll still be pretty high :3) And you guys can sell then
Same hereDoes anyone have any good prices for turnips? I'm on a downward trend and need to sell really soon before they go bad...
I am still interestedMine are selling for 166 if anyone is still interested
I am still interested
Hi! Is now a good time?
Yea I’m free now. I added you