Turnips selling for 535 in my main town, Cutetown, today. Please PM me if you'd like to come by as I probably won't remember to check here. I do not TT so this price will be here today only. I'm in EDT/EST. Thank you!
Reese is buying for 531 bells. :3
may i come over and sell a bunch of turnips?? :O
Sure, I just need to hop on real quick. c: Adding you shortly.
thanks a bunch!!!!is it ok if i take multiple trips or are you in a rush?
That's fine with me; my Re-Tail closes in an hour though, just a lil reminder.
alright, i'll be over in a few mins!
Alrighty, gate's open. :3
omg noooo communication error D: is it ok to come back?
I've reopened aaah. I'll save in between just in case too.