Official Turnip Prices Thread

580 bells!

You have 20 minutes to like and reply, then I will add eveyone who does so they can come to my town!
580 bells!

You have 20 minutes to like and reply, then I will add eveyone who does so they can come to my town!

Ack! Me, is this still open?

edit: Added you, arms full, waiting at my train station. Here's hoping. :) Please like so I know to come over.
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Turned into a good week after all! If Lavamaize is not around, turnips are selling in my town for 482.
Lavamaize or Siva, I am interested in selling some turnips, please PM me when you come online next, thank you.
If you are free, let me know when you would like me to open my gates.
I have them - 582. Upside is the price is the PM price so I can help out a lot of people. :)

Message me here and I'll get things set up. I'll like your message when I'm ready for you to come over.

Be polite - no running, no talking to villagers. Thanks!
Currently 60. Would love to sell with you

All good! Enjoy the Bells! :)

Bonk, seeds, hit me up if you're interested. My ReTail is open about 3 1/2 hours more today I think.

edit: Many millions of Bells were made by many! Nook is either jealous or salivating knowing he'll get them all eventually.

@es0teric - I'm on the downside of the peak this morning now (188 Bells) but I added you, message me and I'll open the gates.
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Are you available to open your town up for me right now? Thanks.

Morning is a small window, that price fell again less than two hours after I posted. I'm on EST so you're looking at 9am-noon for the morning window, hard to hit if you're not up early and on EST also.
Not this week, I unloaded earlier as I was on a random rollercoaster. Here's to hoping they're better next week!