Official Wii Savings Thread

No saving for me. My dad's already promised me 1 Wii, 2 extra controllers with numchucks, Excite Truck and Monkey Ball at launch. And WarioWave when it comes out later in december. And Elebits, TP, Wii Points and retro controllers will wait till early next year.

(yes, i'm spoiled)
RJWii2 said:
No saving for me. My dad's already promised me 1 Wii, 2 extra controllers with numchucks, Excite Truck and Monkey Ball at launch. And WarioWave when it comes out later in december. And Elebits, TP, Wii Points and retro controllers will wait till early next year.

(yes, i'm spoiled)
hell yeah you are :|
Nope. Wii's not high on my list of things I want, though, so it's okay. If I would save up for anything, it'd be XBox Live. (As sadly, the roughter to connect the 360 to the internet wirelessly is 100$. One thing Nintendo wins at, I suppose. However, Nintendo loses that small advantage right off the bad with an inadequet online system.)
$83. And at $5 a week I'm not making much. To make it worse, my mom doesn't give me my allownce like ever. She owes me like 2-3 MONTHS worth, and there is no sign of me getting it anytime soon.

I compleetly stopped trying to save up for the Wii. Go christmas >_>
Get a job. D:

you cant rely on your parents droppings to hold you til you're 18.
I'm not going to save up for the Wii because there is no way I can get that much money by the time it comes it. Maybe I may get it for Christmas but I seriously doubt it
Me- More than enough.

I am well off money wise, I barely spend it though so if I get a game (which would be madden...period), the system, and wouldn't be any trouble at all.
with all the money owed to me for various reasons, as well as birthday money, id say...

$200, mabey $300. my friends might get me games.
You will probably tell them what game to get.
