OH NO. (Bunny Day Again soon)

I don't mind Bunny Day, but I thought it was too long last year. I'm glad they shortened the duration this time.
This basically will save my brain from exploding. I'll play for a bit and then won't until the event is over to avoid frustration.
I Check nook and the island for stuff i need and then Jump to pokemon Sword as bunny day as too frustration last time.
Oh my god....its like Zipper just manipulated them to giving you more eggs when you don't want them anymore. Zipper is out for revenge!
This was exactly my thought when they came running at me! :ROFLMAO::)
Zipper is supposed to be so creepy. He is doing even better this year!! Ahhhh and he knows where we live!! :eek:
This was exactly my thought when they came running at me! :ROFLMAO::)
Zipper is supposed to be so creepy. He is doing even better this year!! Ahhhh and he knows where we live!! :eek:
Not gonna lie as soon as I came out my home he was in front of me dancing. Lord save me......

It's showtime
I'm going through the days just to pick up some of the new items from the shop, but otherwise I'm ignoring everything else to do with the event. Unfortunately I didn't learn after last year and I ended up starting a new island on my second Switch a couple weeks ago. I'm still in resource collection mode in that town and the eggs are getting in the way again! Thankfully the event is much shorter this time around so it won't interfere too much. The reduced spawn rate is helping too!
Well I'm excited for it 😅 I think the items are adorable and I've never actually experienced Bunny Day before.

I love Rabbits so that helps I guess!
I didn't really do Bunny Day last year as I was busy fishing and catching insects to generate Bells. Any leftover eggs I ate for power.

The shop yesterday sold the loveliest of trees so I bought five of them and dotted them around my island. I'm now making egg garlands for my villagers and they are going down well with them.

I think it's nice for the younger players who get excited for Easter. For us adults it's often four days off work so we like Easter too!
I'm basically ignoring it this year, and I've found that it hasn't annoyed me at all yet! I'm not desperate for materials and don't have any fishing to do, so it's not really getting in the way of anything. Though I did regret not digging up any of the earth eggs when one of my villagers suddenly wanted to do a treasure hunt 😂 But overall it seems much more chilled out than last year, and it's kind of nice. It should be a much more pleasant experience for first time players, and the new items are a huge improvement.
I've completed my fish/bug museum in town 1, and have completed the March critterperdia for town 2. I welcome the water eggs this time around.
I love that Zipper sends you a calling card like a serial killer.

Checked my mail yesterday, and it was like a death threat with some water eggs attached. It would have been hilarious if they put a jump scare in the game and had him standing right behind you when you exited that letter. Lol
Like I said before, I'm looking forward to Bunny Day, but not Zipper. He is just so annoying and creepy, imo. He's obviously not a real rabbit and he creeps me out. Also, thinking about how he probably isn't a real rabbit is unsettling.

But I'm excited for the Bunny Day DIYs and items. This is my first bunny day in NH, so it's a new experience for me.
I was a little disappointed this year to be honest. I’m not really doing the event. I do shop around nooks for the new items in the store, but it’s not really fun to do the event when I’ll just get the same diy I received and completed last year.
I was a little disappointed this year to be honest. I’m not really doing the event. I do shop around nooks for the new items in the store, but it’s not really fun to do the event when I’ll just get the same diy I received and completed last year.
Can't say I blame you. I already completed the event last year myself and I just don't see the need to do it again. Some people are expecting new diys but I highly doubt it. The last thing I remember getting was a
Zipper Toy and a Bunny Day Wand diys.

So yeah I would not get my hopes up for new DIYS. The only thing "new" is the Bunny Day items at the Nook shop, but as for everything else it plays exactly the same like last year only difference that its shorter and now villagers give out eggs to you.
I don't know what I did but Zipper has been absent from my island... he was there once, the day before yesterday, and I locked him up with a fence around him. I went to Nook's Cranny and when I got out he was gone from the fenced area... and from my island... and has not appeared again ever since. I don't know what I did to make him go away but I'm glad I did it. :LOL:

Needless to say, I do NOT care for this event. I loved all the others, but this bunny? He creeps me out. NOPE. NOPE. NOPE. ;)
I'm absolutely loving the new bunny day items; they are super adorable and way better than the crafted items imo. Only a few of hte crafted set look at all acceptable imo.
Walker told me he heard something "hopping" behind him and it creeped him out. I'm kinda angry that this terrible bunny is now apparently scaring my poor villagers, too. :cautious::LOL: