Release a Serena collectible, she deserves it.
Release a Serena collectible, she deserves it.
surprise serena and farley collectibles when
where is this angry serena everyone's talking about i need to see her
I saw her twice when I posted but haven't seen her since....maybe they're saving her for later
I used my endless repository of art skills to bring you a representation of angry Serena.
I'll try to take a screenshot whenever she shows up again.
I used my endless repository of art skills to bring you a representation of angry Serena.
I'll try to take a screenshot whenever she shows up again.
I used my endless repository of art skills to bring you a representation of angry Serena.
I'll try to take a screenshot whenever she shows up again.
Why do you have 609 notifications you heathen lmao
oh, it's 621+ now