Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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awh summer gracie things, now i wish i had another room, but no saving it for diana.
Hah, well at least you are not acting like a kid on the rules. Once knew a person with that and she was the hugest pain in the butt ever.

One thing I do hate is when someone asks a simple question just to clarify, and everyone is rude as hell to them. I've had that before on here. I just wanted to clarify I hadn't missed a villager in a cycling thread, and people were horrible to me.

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awh summer gracie things, now i wish i had another room, but no saving it for diana.

Are you buying her off someone?
trying to get those 2 out. takes forever. bet i will be in 2015 before either moves
also ugh my professor. he never said when we are starting coaching/guidance for our essays.
well need to be fully done more or less before 13th dec so i'm a bit. screw this
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