Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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I'll take him :3, I don't want him voided :(, plus he's a dreamie
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I might add you both and open my gates, first one over gets him :")

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I completely forgot that Frita moved out XD
I'd love to take him, but if he's ILikeCatsMoreThanYou's dreamie, she can have him :3

That's very sweet of you aw <3

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It looks like he's yours, I'll add you ^_^
Aww, Ty beary, but if you want to go with mellas idea of the first to get there, I'm fine too :3
Just relized I DON'T have enough space, so she can have him :3
My horrible memory...
Just relized I DON'T have enough space, so she can have him :3
My horrible memory...
Ok, Ty again, and Ty mellas (when I get there)

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Just about to come now :3
just a random question.. did you used to have Flurry likeway back or something. Or an insane amount of people named their town LeafTown lol
same here since the only deer i started with was erik so. rest was just shiet
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