Cycling OLIVIA AND CHIEF MOVED IN Mella's Cycling Thread! Check For Villager Availability

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ah :3 well i got most deers from other people so yea cant say i've had anything good from my own tbh
O: I hope I get him from here :rolleyes: If not I'm screwed. I blew all my bells on Merengue, and Rubyy donated 10 mil and you offered 1 mil ^u^ So without help, I wouldn't have gotten her ^u^
Most of my dreamies either moved in through shear luck or I cycled myself.
Both my old town that corrupt and my new one got 3 deer within the first 10 villagers by pure chance, then when I restarted my cycle town a week ago it started with Bruce and Diana. =P
Only had 2 free dreamies though, and one is still waiting for my main town to get space.
dianaa dat deer. love her to bits, had her on my last corrupted save so ergh

Yah. <3 I had her in my old town too, and liked her house placement on that map so much I stole it for my house in this town. :p So much for recreating my old layout.
I'm an idiot, so I was always missing the free giveaways

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Should I let her in?
I have her and she's an utter cutie <3 her house is cabana stuff with some instruments like a ukulele <3
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