OMG, I'm scared...

YEAH WHERE also its amazing i love it!! ive only been disconnected on wifi 2 times in the 5 times ive played for hourso n wifi with people.. also its not glitchy AT ALL and Wii's are great even if it crashes Nintendo will replace it FREE and restore all of your data like 80% of the time..
Put it this way, I've been playing AC:CF non stop since it came out.

You seriously should get it! Forget what all these Xbox 360 fans say. My brother has an Xbox 360 and the games are sick and violent.

As for AC:CF if you loved AC gamecube I highly recommend you get it. It is so much better. Yes the city is a tad boring at times, but I spend most of my time in the town and I love it.

Hope you get it!
I have Animal Crossing on the Cube Im still playing it right now till December 5th when it is released over here in Ireland. When I got the Wii Animal Crossing was one of the main reasons why I got it. Im not going to bash 360 or PS3 because I use two have both of them but Nintendo has a place in my heart and so does Animal Crossing and if you had it for the cube then yes it is worth getting the game. Nobody has seen the true potential of this game yet.Last night I put up a link from an interview with the makers and they said how the city changes per season they want you working on your village because that is where most things go down and maybe on a Sunday or something go to the city to get a hair cut or make over
Okay, like several people have said, CityFolk is somewhat of a let down in that there isn't very much that is different besides the city and several little additions. But that is just us people who have been playing the game since the first one complaining. xD

The Wii may have some horrible kiddy/causal games, but there is plenty of hardcore games that you can choose from. Like Super Mario Galaxy, Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, and games of the like.
KAW143 said:
Yes, it does.

But it is a much smoother experience. The animation is better, and the AI seems to be a little less repetative in town. (The City part of the game only seems to update itself once a week, so this part gets a little repetative. . . ) As always, there is a ton of things to do and collect, so I can't really see how one can go wrong.
I felt the VIllagers are more repetitive this time, I talk to them after teh second time they repeat the same thing over and over again most of the time.
Sugar J said:
KAW143 said:
Yes, it does.

But it is a much smoother experience. The animation is better, and the AI seems to be a little less repetative in town. (The City part of the game only seems to update itself once a week, so this part gets a little repetative. . . ) As always, there is a ton of things to do and collect, so I can't really see how one can go wrong.
I felt the VIllagers are more repetitive this time, I talk to them after teh second time they repeat the same thing over and over again most of the time.
As has already been said, this will get better over time.

They purposely made the villagers like that so they could learn new things to talk about, by the time Christmas comes and everyone that's wanting the game should have it by then, the villagers would have moved around towns so much that they would of learnt tons, they'll have endless people/letters/etc to talk about o.o
if your talking about my posts i wouldnt say its not worth it if i were you i would get a wii
mairo galaxy, metroid prime 3, brawl, ciy folk,and twilight princess teyre good games, not AMAZING but theyre worth the money but they dont live up to theyre hype
I've been turning on City Folk each day.
I don't see anything worng with it.

But listen to us, the AC veterans, this game rocks hard.
Buy it.
In my opinion, I believe City Folks the best, and the Wii is much better (and cheaper compared to the PS3)

Follow your heart
Dude, just buy it.
TBH, you have nothing to lose except money, which I doubt after trying this game will be a loss.
AuctionMan853 said:
u wont just buy it for one game theres many other things to experience on the wii other than just accf
actually i bought the wii for only two games
City Folk
Death_By_Videogame said:
Ahhh Megaman, I guess your a nintendo fanboy. >_> Cause you atleast need Metroid 3,Zelda TP, and Mario Galaxy.
i have Metroid 3, and Mario Galaxy but i couldnt wait to get my Wii so i got the GC version of Twilight Princess
Okay guys. I'm totaly gonna get it. And, first of all, I would like to say, thank you for convincing me, and to the people with the 360, um yeah thanks for the elaboration but I'd rather stick to rated E and T games. >> << : D I'm not saying I hate action-y games or whatever, but all the blood and gore, is not for someone like me. Ummm, but I still love games like zelda! I might get Twilight Princess in the future, toom but I best not start making lists for my parents have yet to kill me. lol Any other good games?

Twilight Princess
......What's brawl? (don't kill me!)
And, I'm not a fan of those super mario kart thingies, I'm more like the super mario sunshine person. : D
Brawl is a fighting game with Nintendo characters.
I spent a lot of time with Twilight Princess and one of my friends keeps borrowing it, so it must be good. I thought it was good.
You'll have a lot of fun with CF if you liked WW and PG.