OMG, I'm scared...

I say go for it, just don't go in with SUPER SUPER SUPER high hopes. Expect to have fun, you will. A lot of people complain about wii graphics but it's pretty easy to get past, they're not all that bad. If you love animal crossing, you'll regret not getting city folk
Hmmm....oh yes. I remember now. Brawl. I have seen it being played. I have played it before. Not a big fan. :/ Sorry, it was kinda creepy ha especially playing as Peach. xD Please don't kill me, coffee beans don't last long you know. You know you love coffee.....(I don't drink coffee, don't let my fellow beans know though, they'll jump me.....)
There are not many BAD reviews of this game, but there is a hype of disappointment with many of its loyal fans. Newcomers will not mind it as much as those with a nostalgic romance with the first games.

People are just in a frenzy about the utter resemblance to the predecessors. It's not different enough, people argue, to buy the game. However, the online features are good, IF you manage to get into someone's town. The furniture collecting is always fun, and the neighbors seem like they were enhanced in different ways.

Of course, it was critisized for resembling Wild World SO much, that it is simple a port with additional features. That the city is only novelty.

Anyway, the Wii has NOT been a letdown, which seems to be a popular issue. In its first year it popped out Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3, AND Super Mario Galaxy. Give Nintendo a break. None of those games were ultimately bad.
Well, the music is pretty lame too. It's so boring it can lull you to sleep, but while you're dozing off it's so annoying that it wakes you up.
The music was also plain better. I don't know what Totake is thinking, honestly. His music has always been a bit sloppy/boring.
Tola said:
The music was also plain better. I don't know what Totake is thinking, honestly. His music has always been a bit sloppy/boring.
Haha yes. Let us critizise a bunch of pixel's music. :gyroiddance:
Tola said:
Come again?
you said k.k. had sloppy music, k.k. is a pixelated character, I said let us critizise a pixel's;s a joke......*hides in a hole* :brrrr:
Animal crossing is a great game, its like the gamecube game and wild world smashed into one. But the problem is--least the only one to me anyway, is that the city isnt that fun. You only go there once or twice, and then it gets dull. Plus im still having problems with the controls, but thats only a minor flaw when your trying to catch a beehive... XD
haha, do they have standard remotes for the wii? Cause, I probably won;t be able to handle the wiimote. And if there are standard remotes, you can catch bugs and fish normally, right?