One Million Dollars/Pounds but...

Nu, they're fluffy. D:

One million if you can chug a barrel of rootbeer~

(You're a great person though, Leah. Dun get me wrong! ;w; )
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Nu, they're fluffy. D:

One million if you can chug a barrel of rootbeer~

(You're a great person though, Leah. Dun get me wrong. ;w;)

( Haha it's alright I've got a boyfriend anyway XD )

Yeah easy.

One million dollars but everyone forgets who you are.
Hm... nu. Too difficult for me to live like that~

One million dollars, but you have to live in the 1980s for 20 years.
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no, if it was the 90's I would though

1 million if you turn a friend into a grain of rice
Hehe~ yes, I'll eat them along with all the other tinies! >:3

1 million if you binge watch Boku no Pico.
what the **** is this ahah, i googled it and i am slightly grossed out
like the characters look 5, but have giant boobs ew

i'll pass

1 million dollars, if you eat flies for the rest of your life, oh yeah, and the maggots
(Huehuehue, always ask before you do your own research~)

And no thankies, I want my stomach back. .w.

1 million pounds, but you have to eat an apple without using your teeth
Yeah, I could put it in a blender and drink it mweheh

One Million Dollars but you have a 50% of dying within the year.
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Ohoho~ guess it's my time to shine as the craziest daredevil ever!

One million dollars but you have to cut your hair short and keep it above neck length for a whole year.
my hair is always above neck length anyway

1 million but you have to sing a long to anaconda in front of national tv
Hell yeh, can I dance too?

1 million pounds but you have to be a vegan for the rest of your life
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Hm....... challenge accepted!

One million pounds but you have to propose to a gorilla and give it a kiss. >:3
If he's dressed as Expand dong err...i mean,DK,maybe :p
1mil. if u sing. Baby-from JB everyday for 1 year

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frikin bots ??
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No thank you, my boy doesn't go that high.
1 mil if you entertain me and keep me from doing my summer work. ; u ;