One Year After Release, do you still time travel?


Senior Member
Apr 20, 2014
I only time-traveled once at the very beginning of my playthrough so I could get Blathers to open his dang museum. 'cuz, come on, I have all these freakin' bugs and fish to register and you're gonna take them in you dork.

But since then, I haven't done it once. Now, with the release of the Sanrio villagers coming, I did a bit of an island overhaul and relocated almost all of my villagers into newer spots... and as I was working on this whole thing, I realized that it'd be way easier to get it done if I time-traveled a day ahead to at least get some of the villager houses out of the way. But I was like "This is cheating, I'm better than this" which is... it's stupid, because it's just a dumb game I paid for and I can do what I want. Except I still didn't do it.

So how do you guys feel about time-travel this long after the release? Do you dislike doing it or do you partake in some fourth-dimensional breaking without a second thought?
I didnt time travel at the start of the game but now that I've done all the big goals I'm okay with time travelling for things outside of daily life.

I would never time travel to gain my friendships or gather wood and stuff like that.

However I would time travel to breed for hybrid flowers since my island has no open areas to breed them and I need to rearrange things for the task. I'm doing it right now (I just want purple windflowers :( )
I will time travel only to demolish bridges/inclines, breed flowers, and move out a villager using amiibo cards.
Yep, but I'm finding more and more lately, that there's nothing worth TT'g for. :(

I kind of agree with this. I enjoy time traveling still but there's not as much to time travel for. Daily play without time traveling is getting more boring too. The game could use a big new update with more items and activities. Something the size of the pirate/mermaid update would be appreciated. I'm still enjoying meeting new villagers and earning their photos, but outdoor decoration and interior design are becoming tedious. I want more outdoor structures and large items (greenhouse, gazebo), more indoor furniture, and more activities like Tortimer's Island or something really fun and different. Mystery island enhancements would be cool. Different flowers and more trees would be nice. Dead trees would be good. More colors of the clothing items would be cool. A villager gave me a milk maid dress and, while I love the milk maid dress, I already have all colors of it. I wouldn't mind a nice yellow or orange one. And some fashionable royal dresses in jewel tones would be great.
I kind of agree with this. I enjoy time traveling still but there's not as much to time travel for. Daily play without time traveling is getting more boring too. The game could use a big new update with more items and activities. Something the size of the pirate/mermaid update would be appreciated. I'm still enjoying meeting new villagers and earning their photos, but outdoor decoration and interior design are becoming tedious. I want more outdoor structures and large items (greenhouse, gazebo), more indoor furniture, and more activities like Tortimer's Island or something really fun and different. Mystery island enhancements would be cool. Different flowers and more trees would be nice. Dead trees would be good. More colors of the clothing items would be cool. A villager gave me a milk maid dress and, while I love the milk maid dress, I already have all colors of it. I wouldn't mind a nice yellow or orange one. And some fashionable royal dresses in jewel tones would be great.
I time traveled back to 2020 just to replay all the events I experienced. Yeah I was so bored of the game that I actually went back and did that.
I time traveled back to 2020 just to replay all the events I experienced. Yeah I was so bored of the game that I actually went back and did that.

I've done that too! I also did it when I reset recently. I didn't have success with Turkey Day though. I wanted the Turkey Day recipes. But then I couldn't find one of the fish or sea creatures and got fed up because it was taking forever and closed the game. I went to the day after Turkey Day, hoping to buy them at Nooks, but they weren't for sale. I was disappointed. But the Halloween event has been fun to play over and over and Toy Day is pretty good to repeat.
I've done that too! I also did it when I reset recently. I didn't have success with Turkey Day though. I wanted the Turkey Day recipes. But then I couldn't find one of the fish or sea creatures and got fed up because it was taking forever and closed the game. I went to the day after Turkey Day, hoping to buy them at Nooks, but they weren't for sale. I was disappointed. But the Halloween event has been fun to play over and over and Toy Day is pretty good to repeat.
Yeah May Day, Halloween, and Turkey Day were the most fun times I had when replaying them.
I still TT. I didn’t manage to get my own copy of the game until October of last year. That is why I believe that there is still a lot more work to be done with my island.

When I TT it is often because I want to speed up a lengthy project like terraforming or item hunting. Sometimes I also help TBT users fulfill seasonal items from their wishlists.
I've done that too! I also did it when I reset recently. I didn't have success with Turkey Day though. I wanted the Turkey Day recipes. But then I couldn't find one of the fish or sea creatures and got fed up because it was taking forever and closed the game. I went to the day after Turkey Day, hoping to buy them at Nooks, but they weren't for sale. I was disappointed. But the Halloween event has been fun to play over and over and Toy Day is pretty good to repeat.
Have you tried TTing to Nov. 27? I found them on that date. If you don’t want to, I can do it for you, since I’m currently in November.
I still time travel shamelessly whenever the whim takes me. Sometimes it's to do events I missed, like Toy Day and New Years, which I couldn't do at the time due to not being able to update my Switch because my monthly data had run out. (Thank goodness it's unlimited at the moment.) Other times I like to farm NPCs like Redd or Gulliver to get specific items. I got a lot of Mom's items this way too. When I "set" my weekly NPC list on Mondays I generally won't time travel out of that week though, til that week is over.
I still TT. I didn’t manage to get my own copy of the game until October of last year. That is why I believe that there is still a lot more work to be done with my island.

When I TT it is often because I want to speed up a lengthy project like terraforming or item hunting. Sometimes I also help TBT users fulfill seasonal items from their wishlists.

Have you tried TTing to Nov. 27? I found them on that date. If you don’t want to, I can do it for you, since I’m currently in November.

I did time travel to November 27th but I didn't see them in the shop. (Maybe I had the wrong date.) I can try again. I'm out of stuff to do. I don't know why I worry about it since my other character has them and I never use them. It's just something to do!
I time travel, but only to move in/kick out villagers for my shop. I never did for buildings or other infrastructure things. I also skip over any day that I know has an event attached to it, so that I don't miss it, ruin it, or see it before I'm supposed to see it naturally.
I time travel if I feel motivated to re-decorate my island by demolishing and rebuilding things because I know that in 24 hours' time I won't be bothered lol. Other than that, I don't. I just don't have any reason to.
I just recently went back to today's date a few days ago since my birthday and Skye's birthdays are coming up and I hate missing a villager birthday or my own lol.

I think after those days I'll TT to cherry blossom season and hang out there for a while until I go completely into summer and stay there until it get's closer to Halloween. I like fall in real life but I want my AC island to stay green and vibrant for a long time.

I will also TT back and forth days to breed flowers if I can't buy any or to move out a villager, or for builds. Like right now I have a bunch of bush starts just waiting to start growing and I kinda just want to TT a couple days and get it over with so I can see what it all looks like fully grown in to see if I need to change anything up.
I don't time travel, but I have zero issues with anybody doing it in their own game. Like you said, it's your game you paid for, so what does it really matter?

The reason I don't TT is because I feel like that makes it so you accomplish things faster, and wind up with less to do at some points in time. I would rather constantly have things to do than get a ton of stuff done in a day and wind up with weeks of... nothing.
I've never TTed at all since I began playing the game, nor will I start TTing moving forward, lol. I continue to enjoy not TTing, since I feel like I would've stopped playing the game a long time ago if I decided to TT all the time. Though I don't really care if anybody TTs, since it's not my save file, lol.