One Year After Release, do you still time travel?

i do, so i dont have to wait 3 days to get new villagers
i tt all the time, i feel like theres not much you can do in one day
The very last time I TT'd was back in the first summer update when diving was introduced. I farmed Pascal and Gullivarrr so I could get all the items quickly. Never TT'd again after that.

I will still probably TT in the future, depending on the new content introduced. Gyroids perhaps, to keep the rain cycle and keep them spawning (that is if the mechanic remains the same).
All the time. I gave into time travel in the summer mainly for cycling villagers and farming photos. I don't play every single day so I pretty much time travel every time I play now if I want to decorate during the day or trying to get new items to finish my catalog.
I've always been a time traveler since I started playing the series with the GameCube game. As such, yes, I time travel in New Horizons as well.

I don't enjoy being beholden to having to play the game every day like it's a chore and I've never enjoyed the life-sim aspect other people find appealing as much as I enjoyed the freedom of time travel. The day-to-day style others enjoy has always felt too constraining to me.

There was a period of time early on after the game's launch where I stuck to the real date and time and stopped myself from messing around with them, in an effort to not outpace any updates, but by the Summer I had decided to stick around in June in-game to collect more wedding items. After I had my fill of that, I sort of sped through July, August, and some of September (aside from special days like Bug Offs/Fishing Tournaments or other such remarkable events, or catching seasonally exclusive creatures for the museum) so that I could basically get to October a couple days behind the real date and enjoy the Halloween season in the game somewhat in line with the real one. Speaking of which, I also like to be able to participate in the holiday festivities on my own terms, before or after the actual holidays, so I can enjoy the actual day in the real world. I'd rather be watching horror movies on Halloween, enjoying family time on Christmas, etc.

Generally, starting with that instance last Summer and as mentioned with that bit in October, I've preferred to lag behind the real world to accommodate my playstyle. I find this sort of setup optimal for me, since in the past games I would play multiple in-game days per real day, seeing what new items were in the shops and all that. New Horizons utilizing the update model to release new content was a minor inconvenience in that regard because of the aforementioned risk of outpacing the updates, but lagging behind a bit gives me the buffer room to enagage things at my own leisure and effectively lets me enjoy the series as I always have. Maye I'll be a couple days behind, maybe a week or a few weeks, maybe a month or more. Just depends on how I feel.
I didn't time travel to begin with, but now I'm often finding myself setting the clock back in time to do things I miss. I almost never play the events on the intended day. Usually I've obligations on TBT on the event dates so the actual game takes a backseat.
I didn’t TT when I first started playing New Horizons as it wasn’t something I’d done in older games (didn’t want my villagers all moving away) so I was happy with just playing it through at its own pace. However I do TT now, I’d taken a few months break from the game and wanted to catch up on some things so I went backwards for a while to play some events I’d missed out on. Now I’ve caught up I’ve recently been TTing forwards in order to kick a few villagers out as I enjoy island hopping and playing day by day will mean kicking a few of them out will take a long time. I’d also TT back and forth by one day if building a few inclines/bridges or moving buildings but in general if I wasn’t trying to currently move out a villager then I probably wouldn’t TT as I’m usually happy playing it through as it is.
i didn't TT at first but then i started TTing to move a few houses then suddenly i was TTing all the time 😂
even after 1 year, all i do when i play is TT because i literally donno how else to play the game lol
I didn't time travel at the start. I just played the game day by day and would come back to it later to avoid burn out. Not saying all TTers will get burn out, but I know I'd probably just go nuts with it lol. Now I will TT because the year is over and I experienced all the holidays and seasons as they happened irl.

I still don't do it a lot, but like with the Mario furniture stuff, I'm not waiting day by day to order 5 pieces. That is just unnecessary. So if you have someone who normally doesn't bother to TT doing it just because of odd restrictions you know it's something that should be fixed. I loved that you could order as much as you wanted in NL and it'd just slowly come every day until it's finished. They could had done the same with NH and made a bigger restriction. Like 10-15-20 items per day.
I didn't time travel at the start. I just played the game day by day and would come back to it later to avoid burn out. Not saying all TTers will get burn out, but I know I'd probably just go nuts with it lol. Now I will TT because the year is over and I experienced all the holidays and seasons as they happened irl.

I still don't do it a lot, but like with the Mario furniture stuff, I'm not waiting day by day to order 5 pieces. That is just unnecessary. So if you have someone who normally doesn't bother to TT doing it just because of odd restrictions you know it's something that should be fixed. I loved that you could order as much as you wanted in NL and it'd just slowly come every day until it's finished. They could had done the same with NH and made a bigger restriction. Like 10-15-20 items per day.
I remember in new leaf that the RV furniture was limited in how much you could get per day.
It was kinda annoying as the RV always had more stuff than you could order
I remember in new leaf that the RV furniture was limited in how much you could get per day.
It was kinda annoying as the RV always had more stuff than you could order
Yeah I think it was like 5 items per day. I wasn't gung-ho on completing the RV list so I just picked out the items I thought looked cool.
during the game’s first few months, i didn’t time travel much at all as i found that it burnt me out rather quickly but now, while i still don’t do it all that often, i’ve definitely been doing it more to expand my catalog, move villagers in/out and obtain any past diys that i might’ve missed.
I tend to time travel whenever I'm in the middle of a project so I don't lose steam/interest, but most of the time I just take it day by day.
My academic and professional life is extremely hectic and so I will spend months not playing the game. When I come back I don't want to not experience the holidays/events/weather that I missed so I'll always make a note of what day I stopped playing and then time travel from that day on the game all the way up to the day that I am currently living. It's a pain but I like it that way, that way I don't miss thanksgiving/christmas/etc. I don't like going ahead of like current time if that makes sense -- because when they release day-specific event updates I like to get to them organically.
I have a lot of time to catch up on right now actually haha. In an ideal world I wouldn't do it, I'd just play every day and not miss. But my life doesn't allow that unfortunately. So I make up for it.
I time travel to move out/in villagers only.
I am not really a fan of time travelling as I feel like it kills the game for me.
I time traveled so much in new leaf that I cant do it anymore. It ruins the gameplay for me. 🙃
I still time travel after a year I usually time travel to catch up on the days I have missed playing due to work or to change the time to morning/day as I get back late at night from work and I do not really like playing at night time
I don't time travel, because for me, that would cause me to get bored and burn out. The slow pace is what keeps me finding things to do. Order something from the catalog that won't arrive until tomorrow? Well, I can move some things around to make space today, look through my closet and clear that out (always need to do that!), check in on my villagers, maybe catch a few fish and bugs to go toward my badges. And then I'll either visit a friend to see what they've done on their island - I have one who keeps reinventing it every few months, or I'll log off and do something else. Tomorrow, I get that catalog item and can go place it, wear it, or whatever.
Never time travelled myself, though I understand why people do it - everyone has their own play style, right? Who knows if I'm better off for it or not a year later.

I just get more enjoyment out of the anticipation of things, and I'm the type of person who would get burnout if I rushed through stuff. I know people who scrambled to achieve as much as they could right away at launch and were swimming in bells and items in a couple weeks, then dumped the game because they had nothing left to do and nothing to aim for. I dunno, that's just not for me. As for travelling backwards, I absolutely get why people do that - I guess I'm lucky enough to be able to play often, so I haven't yet had the need to go back and replay days or events I might have missed. Time travel definitely has its uses, I just haven't felt the need to do it myself yet.
I used to TT for seasonal materials, Redd items and Gulliver FURNITURE it doesn't really matter. I'm pretty ok now with a slower pace now that the seasonal stuff has been taken care of. I have most of the Redd artwork and Gulliver just annoys me now (still sick of the hats)