One Year After Release, do you still time travel?

no, villagers won't move out without your consent unlike previous games. The only problem I've found is that the weeds are awful and if you have turnips they will of course spoil

Oh okay, that's good to know, thanks! I may have to check it out this weekend then!
I time traveled on day one because I didn't get the game until the day after release and I wanted my player profile to appear as if I had got the game on the day it came out. The second time was to get the hedge Nook Mile award because I only bough one hedge.

These days, I travel more frequently so I can give Flick bugs to make models out of. I have lots of bugs filling my inventory that I want to make models out of. I only do it a couple times during a visit. Same with Redd. I travel a couple of times and then let time move on naturally.

Flick really should have his own shop so I can just get bug models whenever I want or if he could do more than one at a time OR if CJ or whatever his name is could take home 3 bugs to have Flick make a model out of instead of fish that would be amazing
I've always been a time traveler and I do not intend to stop. I get impatient waiting for upgrades, new villagers, getting ordered items through Nooks, and breeding flowers.
I still do tting, mainly at the moment to cycle out some villagers and also to find shooting stars days, since it's been months since I saw Celeste the last time and I wonder why she doesn't show up so often anymore.
I only ever TTed to speed up construction or item ordering when I'm doing large design projects and I still use it for that when I have ideas. I always go back to the current day when I'm done so I never ended up far in the future.
I usually only ever tt when moving out villagers, or trying to get a mass amount of redecorating/ordering done at any one time so I do still tt! technically I do it less now I suppose but that's largely just because I play less
I didn't start TT'ing until the summer since release in March, and spent about 3 months playing normally. I TT'd that summer a few times to move a few villagers out, then started TT'ing heavily in November/December because I didn't like the snow. Now whenever I play I do TT to move buildings, move villagers out, get ordered furniture quicker, etc. I pretty much did the same thing in NL and like playing like that. Its nice to take it slow when you first play the game, then later on when I am focusing more on design than gameplay I enjoy TT'ing.
I TT'd maybe once or twice due to missing holidays/visiting NPCs, but otherwise I play the game at a slow pace so I rarely do.
I TT to move out villagers, but right now that's about it. I'm not doing any major renovations right now but when I do I'll probably TT to clear out buildings and houses. My internet connection is too shaky to trade with people, so I might TT to get some of the cherry blossom and mush items, I don't have them since I reset. The thing that bothers me most about TTing is that all my screenshots end up mixed together :/
I think I TT'd like during the first week to unlock stuff quicker (and then TT'd back to the correct time), but recently I just TT because I don't play often lol. For example I haven't played since Jan 1ish, so the next time I play the game I'll prob TT back to order all the seasonal stuff I missed and do the Festivale event I guess...

Def don't feel the same urge to TT as I did in ACNL bc there's simply barely anything to do anyways lol
i've been playing and time travelling since wild world, but NH is the only AC game where i don't TT much at all! i used to when the game first came out for a few reasons, but now i really don't see any reason to unless i've missed something like an event or whatever, and then i just TT back until i've done whatever. i might this summer to try and get all of the bugs i'm missing, but i'm not sure.