Selling or Trading DIYs, Models, Unorderables, Art, **Items Added Somewhat Regularly**

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  2. NMT
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Hi ^_^ May I have the bamboo speaker, if it is still avaliable ? And how much would that be ?
Rose Wreath
Windflower Wreath
Snazzy Pansy Wreath
Pansy Crown

for 10 nmt? or 1 mill bells?
Just to be clear, you know these are the items themselves and not the DIYs, correct? If you're still interested I'd take the NMTs.
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Iron Closet 99k?
Sure. I'll drop you a dodo.
Just to be clear, you know these are the items themselves and not the DIYs, correct? If you're still interested I'd take the NMTs.
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Sure. I'll drop you a dodo.
thanks for letting me know. I was looking for the diy. thanks anyways:)
Hi! I'm interested in the Doghouse DIY. Would any one of these DIYs be of interest to you?

Backyard Lawn
Butter Churn
Cabin Wall
Gold-Armor Shoes
Golden Candlestick
Golden Casket
Green-Leaf Pile
Ironwood Low Table
Iron Worktable
Jungle Flooring
Log Bed
Log Chair
Log Decorative Shelves
Log Pack
Natural Garden Table
Rustic-Stone Wall
Sandy-Beach Flooring
Straw Umbrella Hat
Wild-Wood Wall
Wooden-Block Wall Clock
Wooden Double Bed
Wooden Low Table
Woodland Wall
Hi! I'm interested in the Doghouse DIY. Would any one of these DIYs be of interest to you?

Backyard Lawn
Butter Churn
Cabin Wall
Gold-Armor Shoes
Golden Candlestick
Golden Casket
Green-Leaf Pile
Ironwood Low Table
Iron Worktable
Jungle Flooring
Log Bed
Log Chair
Log Decorative Shelves
Log Pack
Natural Garden Table
Rustic-Stone Wall
Sandy-Beach Flooring
Straw Umbrella Hat
Wild-Wood Wall
Wooden-Block Wall Clock
Wooden Double Bed
Wooden Low Table
Woodland Wall

You actually have 3 DIYs on here that I don't have. Any way I could buy the other 2 off of you? I need the Log Chair, Log Pack and Woodland Wall.
You actually have 3 DIYs on here that I don't have. Any way I could buy the other 2 off of you? I need the Log Chair, Log Pack and Woodland Wall.
Would you be willing to toss in the Milkmaid Hat and the Construction-Site Flooring?
I would not lol

Let's just do the Doghouse for the Log Pack?
Would you do just the Milkmaid Hat for the other two? I think that would fit my town. I'm not too attached to the construction site.
1mil for 40 pink hyacinths?