Buying or [Trading] Fossil



Hi, I need the last fossil for complete my collection, which is : Ankylo torso.

I can pay up to 50k for it, or I can trade it against another fossil you need, tell me the name and I will check in my double list ;-)

I will give it you for free if I see one as thanks for your help today.
It might take a while as they are random, but I owe you for helping me out.

I just thought, a favour for a favour.

But it is up to you, you can buy it here if you don't want to wait.
I don't mind.
Not a problem.

You came through for me when I needed it.
I just wish that I could just GET you this fossil today, but I cannot.

I will PM you if I do get the fossil one day, but please just don't feel like you have to wait as you can buy it whenever.
I have Ankylo Torso.

Do you have any of these?

Styraco Torso
Pteranodon Left Wing
Pachy Skull
I have the ptera left wing. Checking for the rest.

Edit: I just have this one.