Dang, the background took a while lmao! Here ya go! Her name is Lottie Leaf!
If you don't take her, please inform me. She grew on me when I was creating her. ;A; haha
Name: Lottie Leaf
Age: ??? she looks 12?
Species: forest folk
(yeah ok i made it up >v> female deers don't usually have antlers and she's not exactly an elf)
Background: Lottie Leaf is an apothecary genius who travels through a fantasy world where the wonders of nature and folk coexist peacefully. Lottie used to live with her aunt in a small cottage by the edge of the lone woods. Her aunt tailors custom-made suits and dresses for a living and Lottie used to help out.
Lottie has always been fascinated with plants and herbs, reading book after book. Her aunt was kind enough to introduce her to the local doctor and there Lottie found out her passion for medicine. Her aunt enroled her to an academy and Lottie's talent blossomed. Unlike most apothecary students, she managed to finish her studies within a year and a half.
One of the things she's proud of is her skill at perfectly reciting all the herbs and flora. She has terrible eyesight due to reading books every night with poor lighting. It is best not to anger her. If she can make medicine, she can make poison-- and Lottie is clever girl. Nowadays as a traveller, Lottie makes and sells medicine as a living. In the medicine world, people talk about the famous Ms. Leaf but they never suspect her to be so small and young!
Wheatish blonde hair, leafy green eyes, sprinkles of brown freckles dusted on her nose. Her ears and tail are like a deer's. She is short and doesn't like to be reminded of her height. Lottie has wood antlers that blossoms flowers when she is happy or excited! The leaves shed every winter. Lottie hates winter.
Regarding Lottie's clothes-- yes, that cloak of hers is made of leaves, and the 'fur' is more like a shrub or moss than animal fur. Her dress is closed collar with blue and red buttons alternating, dipping down into a flourish like a flower. Her tights are striped-- black and brown. She wears thick boots because she travels through mud sometimes! No shoelaces because they're hard to clean and they're a pain, she says.
Personality: Can be stubborn as a mule, overall a curious fellow who loves to learn. She gets excited when it comes to herbs, flowers, and mushrooms. She appreciates honesty and can be blunt herself.
Lottie presses flowers in her journal and stitches animals on her bag when she is bored.
... probably should have auctioned her off as an adoptable oh no