Name: oriana
age: 18
species: human/magical girl
She discovers shes a magical girl after her little brother passes away of a heart attack due to extreme night terrors, which by this point have been spreading for quite a while. her whole family and neighbourhood seem to have caught the nightmare virus and she cant work out why she hasn't yet. feeling an urgent need for a cure after seeing how devastating the effects of the virus can be, and after being disappointed in the work of scientists studying the illness, she decides to take matters into her own hands in a time of pure desperation. She spends lots of time with sufferers studying their symptoms and goes to quite drastic lengths to try to contract the disease herself hoping it may lead her to finding out how to stop the spread. Oriana quits going to school, claiming that she is ill herself so she can focus entirely on her study of the disease and talks to many different professionals who may be able to help her with her research. After she begins to study lucid dreaming more in depth she practises controlling her own dreams, hoping that if she could teach people how to control their dreams they would have less severe symptoms. Being very quick to learn, Oriana soon perfects being able to lucid dream which was not something she could naturally do before, which is when she discovers that by falling asleep she can travel and fight demons that live in the distorted dream version of her town. It becomes apparent that this is having some kind of positive effect on the sick members of her family who start to improve rapidly and oriana, now knowing the cure to the virus, sets out to educate others and find other magical girls.
From her studies she theorizes that:
-Some people seem to be immune to the virus for whatever reason
-Some people who are infected with the virus react differently and become magical girls
-When falling asleep, everyone who is infected finds themself in a dream world which is very vivid and probably some sort of shared sub-conscious
-the virus attacks the brain
-the virus is psychological and somehow spreads psychologically (through peoples sub concious) in ways humans havent been able to understand yet
-some people are unable to recover whereas others can recover from the illness
-the virus hurts people by causing intense stress and fear, which over time causes damage to their body, heart and makes them susceptible to other diseases, or they may have heart attacks
-the dream world is some kind of alternate reality/dimension that must exist all the time but is only just accessible so clearly (it was always there but after the nightmare virus started was the only time it started to become more like an easily accessed vivid second world)
-this dimension is largely affected by willpower and physical strength means nothing there
-all animals share the same dream world but none seem to be affected by the virus except humans
-magical girls who lose in fights against the demons in the dreamworld suffer heart attacks in real life, although these aren't always fatal. this suggests everyone dieing or affected by the disease are also attacked in the dream world and must therefore have some kind of ability to become magical girls.
costume regular outfit
regular clothes:
In her day to day life, oriana wears a lot of loose, flowing, mature clothes that show her figure. she loves shades of gold and sparkles but doesn't overdo it. she likes to look elegant and feminine.
magical girl costume:
she wears a lot of gold armour and see-through ruffles. her shoes are kind of like slippers, and like ursula she has bouncy/floaty shoes on. hr gun is usually tied onto her back with a large ribbon.
personality: very intelligent and curious, obsessive and feels a strong sense of responsibility. she's very deeply affected by her brother's death and family's illness and feels frustrated by the lack of answers scientists are coming up with about the disease. She looks down on and gets angry at other magical girls who she thinks should be devoting all their time to fighting and studying the virus. she urges everyone in the city who appears to be immune to the illness to meet with her for training and studying to become magical girls. She runs a group of magical girls called the Hunters who patrol the dream world in shifts. she also asks people to come forward to test her theories and possible cures on.
oriana has no tolerance for laziness when there is such an emergency going on and feels the rest of the city has given up in the fight against the virus. She doesn't trust the scientists researching anymore and is wary of the government, feeling as though they're just waiting for the city to die out so the virus can't spread anywhere else or that they might have even created the virus. She's extremely powerful mentally but the work and responsibility she puts on herself takes a heavy toll on her mental health and trust of other people. she is a naturally kind and motherly girl who is always eager to make the world a better place and during breaks from studying she gardens with her family. Her family are extremely proud of her research although they worry about her becoming ill herself and often assist her as much as they can (although they are all very ill and can't do much) so they try to spread the word about what she's discovered online and have attracted quite a bit of interest in their charity supporting sufferers of the virus from other parts of the country. However, their city is isolated from th e rest of the world after the virus starts to spread at an extreme rate and since no one is yet sure of how it's spread, little supplies and assistance and help can come.
Before the virus oriana was a very calm and collected, sweet and loving girl who was positive yet stern. she loves animals and although she's very intelligent, is uninterested in school or schoolwork so doesn't do too well in it.