Mafia Paper Mario Thousand Year Door Mafia - Mafia Win!!

Nightmares, if you are town do not lie. If you didn't have a reason just say it. We are more apt to lynch you after a lie like this than if you just tell the truth. Don't dig yourself down a rabbit hole like most games.

I love how you're just assuming I'm lying
he's giving you a chance to just admit that you just said something stupid rather than this whole reaction test rationale you're pretending you're using

Omgggg, I never said it wasn't stupid and I already apologised
Sorry for my impulse thinking

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WhY aRe yOu cHanGiNg tHE SuBjEcT

I already explained why in my response to mog's reads. I can't help it sorry uwu

I aLreAdy anSweRed eVeryOne's qUesTionS, I tHink thAt's a sTuPid tHing tO sAy, sOrRy
I feel like after this point if I vote for someone people are gonna get pissed

it's about helping town not about caring if people are getting pissed off at you. and no lynch would just make everyone more pissed
it's about helping town not about caring if people are getting pissed off at you. and no lynch would just make everyone more pissed

Well, like you are pointing out, people getting annoyed at me and discussing my vote is wasting time that we could look for actual mafia instead

A few important posts to keep track of:

Panda nulls Jacob and f11 below

Heyden think he's been genuinely helpful so far.
Apple2013 comes across as scum hunting.
mogyayl sincere sweet little Mogy <3
Seroja seems to be trying to find scum.
Tensu cant get a decent read.
xCleb not enough input.
Damniel please come back from prom already.
Jacob unsure where to place him.
Primarina need more to get a read.
f11 who knows ha.
Zendel just cause you claimed VT, which is very unhelpful to town if that is your alignment, doesn't mean i believe it, its a very 'safe claim' and you still rub me the wrong way.
Nightmares seriously you're gonna come back tomorrow, after Day1 ? with 'more effort' ?
Corrie i think they are avoiding the thread and any questions pointed towards them.
eun most likely will get replaced or modkilled.

i know these are really short, just first thoughts about each person off the top of my head. i know some of you are more use to me being more active but I've never seen such a quiet Day 1 and with a new job i have less hours to post, i have been keeping up on the thread during my lunch breaks and all but its heard to get any reads when half the plays are hardly responding to one another.

Nighmares i hope that you decide to make an effort TODAY, cause tomorrow will do us NO GOOD. if not you may be my vote.

Corrie i need you to come back and answer the question that were asked of you.

I have mixed thoughts about this really. I'll just lay them out I guess.

I still firmly believe that Panda is scum. While I think Corrie might be scared noob town, it is also possible that she is avoiding the thread because she's scum. And then we have Panda being indecisive about voting between Zendel and Corrie, and decided on the later to save herself. If Corrie flips town, then I'll be more convinced that Panda is scum. However, if Corrie flips red, then I'd think of it as Panda bussing her team mate.

That said, I'm okay if Corrie gets lynched today regardless of the outcome. I'm willing to back off Panda if she survives today and see where she goes from there.

@mog I didn't check the end of that game, was Uttumori scum or town?

Note in the above quote that Seroja mentions she firmly believes Panda is scum. 2 scenarios:
1) Scum killed Seroja to try and bus Panda
2) Scum killed Seroja to try and take pressure away from Panda

And finally,

post #552 (not quoting because it's so long):
Jacob is no longer a town read for me. He has only mentioned Panda once in a post this game and it was clearing her as town. At one point he says he thinks Seroja vs Panda was Town vs Town (citing f11's earlier thoughts as backup).

Panda/Jacob/f11 for scum team.
Honestly if you really want to help town start off my not going with a no lynch and not doing careless things like what you just did.
And of course it's a pretty common town for a mafia to null their team mates so that, if they die, there is no clear connection.

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Honestly if you really want to help town start off my not going with a no lynch and not doing careless things like what you just did.


shut up no one ****ing cares
And of course it's a pretty common town for a mafia to null their team mates so that, if they die, there is no clear connection.

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shut up no one ****ing cares

Let's try to keep things civil here guys, explanations over curse words thanks
I just got off of work but my friend is having issues and I need to talk to her (I'm genuinely really sorry for how busy I've been, expected things just keep popping up).

I'm willing to back off Jacob for now. While he's still very inactive, his last post was pretty substantial and looks like thought was put into it. But I wish to see more from him.

I'm against a panda lynch. I don't believe she's scum, I think she's just bad town. While some people are saying "just lynch her because she's been too distracting to town regardless of alignment" or something along those lines- she still goes towards town's numbers. If we lynched her just for the heck of it, it's just one step closer for a mafia win.

Idk if it's just me, but I really dislike the way Cleb is posting. He's looking into every single quote of a player, but the reads are subpar. And the way he posts a read once at a time, just comes off to me as if he's trying to seem like he's contributing and active- but really isn't.

For this whole game Mog has also been giving me this weird vibe, but I can't place my finger on it. I'll have to read into everything again once I'm done comforting my friend
dan if u think panda is town why wouldnt mafia have killed her since she kind of soft claimed apparently

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hope ur friend is ok!