Shop 🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️ [CLOSED]

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I think what happened is that I saw your original post (that included potions) and pressed reply without really looking at the text the post editor was putting in which is why I responded the way I did. The strangest thing is that there is no indication of your post being edited. In the future though, I will simply say that editing is not allowed and pictures will be taken just in case. I know you did not have ill intent whatsoever since I have known you for a long time, but I will do this to prevent confusion and to ensure you and others are not affected if the same situation arises again.

Just sent the Fancy Kitty Plush your way! Pleasure doing business like always and thank you again for being understanding! :)

thanks for sending it my way! just double checking, i should have 500 in store credit then after trading in the items worth 2k right?
thanks for sending it my way! just double checking, i should have 500 in store credit then after trading in the items worth 2k right?

You're absolutely welcome and that is correct! Your Store Credit account should be visible in the main post. :)

IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Blue Junimo Easter EggApr 18, 2022 at 6:43 PM1,500 TBTx 1
Quirky DollJul 18, 2021 at 7:16 PM1,000 TBTx 1
Friday the 13th CandyNov 13, 2020 at 8:59 PM
Nov 13, 2020 at 3:31 PM
200 TBTx 2
Christmas CandyDec 22, 2020 at 9:13 AM75 TBTx 1
Black Hybrid RoseNov 26, 2021 at 9:31 PM
Nov 27, 2020 at 2:42 AM
125 TBTx 2
Bump, everyone is having a good start weekend so far! :D

To ensure the security of all Store Credit under particular circumstance defined in the Store Credit area of the main shop post, I have doubled the reserve in the ABD from 1,000 to 2,000! I plan on continuing adding more to it periodically to reflect any shop growth and to be able to eventually offer additional options for my Store Credit holders. :)
fwiw for the earlier trouble, the 'last edited' doesn't seem to show anymore in the first 5 minutes of a post being up

so what probably happened was masterm64 saw digimon's unedited post and the lack of both a 'last edited' timestamp and no indication of the quoted post having been edited in the process of quoting/replying meant that the edit fell through being noticed in time

which suffice to say, means that for something like this, just typing an additional reply and having the system post merge would probably be better. as that operates as a 'soft' edit with clear distinction that said edit happened, regardless of how little time has passed since the initial post went up
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yes, it's 5 minutes. just did a small touch up at the 5 minute mark after doing several other edits earlier and only just now got the 'last edited' timestamp, as you can see
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fwiw for the earlier trouble, the 'last edited' doesn't seem to show anymore in the first 5 minutes of a post being up

so what probably happened was masterm64 saw digimon's unedited post and the lack of both a 'last edited' timestamp and no indication of the quoted post having been edited in the process of quoting/replying meant that the edit fell through being noticed in time

which suffice to say, means that for something like this, just typing an additional reply and having the system post merge would probably be better. as that operates as a 'soft' edit with clear distinction that said edit happened, regardless of how little time has passed since the initial post went up
Post automatically merged:

yes, it's 5 minutes. just did a small touch up at the 5 minute mark after doing several other edits earlier and only just now got the 'last edited' timestamp, as you can see

Thank you for the clarification and testing on this friend, I really appreciate it! :) Don’t get why it is set for 5 minutes especially with the way the rules are written for auctions for example.
I apologize for the late response, I was catching some Zs when y’all posted! lol

Hey, MasterM64! How much trade-in value could I get if I traded in a Shadow Kitty Plush and a Raven Wings Potion?

Hey Midoriya! After doing research, I would do 2,400 in Store Credit for both collectibles! How does that sound to you? :D

Hi. I’d like to trade in a Pave Pink Feather and use my credit from that to buy the Mint. Thanks!

Hello again! Since you have sent the feather to me already, I’ll issue 800 in Store Credit for that. :) After purchasing Mint with that, you will have 450 TBT in Store Credit leftover. 👍 I’ll send Mint your way now!
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I apologize for the late response, I was catching some Zs when y’all posted! lol

Hey Midoriya! After doing research, I would do 2,400 in Store Credit for both collectibles! How does that sound to you? :D

Hey! Hmm... after thinking about it, that works for me. I should have 268 store credit already as well, it's just under the name Venti (changed my username back from Venti to Midoriya).

Could I use that store credit, plus the store credit from these two, and pay the rest in TBT I already have in order to buy three Pave Pink Feathers please (I believe altogether what would put me above 3,000)? The dates don't matter to me on those, and no messages needed. I'll send over the two now as well as TBT. Thank you!
Hey! Hmm... after thinking about it, that works for me. I should have 268 store credit already as well, it's just under the name Venti (changed my username back from Venti to Midoriya).

Could I use that store credit, plus the store credit from these two, and pay the rest in TBT I already have in order to buy three Pave Pink Feathers please (I believe altogether what would put me above 3,000)? The dates don't matter to me on those, and no messages needed. I'll send over the two now as well as TBT. Thank you!

Hey Venti, that sounds good to me and I’ll send the feathers your way now! Additionally, since you will have only 68 TBT in credit leftover after everything is accounted for and I am at a good place currently to offer this, I’ll go ahead and send you that amount to you so we are completely squared away. :D

EDIT: Everything sent and Store Credit Cash Out sent! Pleasure like always and enjoy the feathers! :D
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IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Pavé Pink FeatherFeb 8, 2022 at 3:24 PM1,000 TBTx 1
Shadow Kitty PlushOct 29, 2022 at 12:49 AM1,000 TBTx 1
Raven Wings PotionOct 28, 2022 at 8:30 PM2,000 TBTx 1
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Hi MasterM64! I was wondering how much trade in I could get for a ghastly egg and a wallopoid? Looking to trade in those and some tbt for the shadow kitty.
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