Shop 🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️ [CLOSED]

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Hello again! May I please buy your yellow pansy and yellow cosmo? Once you've confirmed, I'll send the TBT. No messages needed. Thank you again! 😀
Hello again! May I please buy your yellow pansy and yellow cosmo? Once you've confirmed, I'll send the TBT. No messages needed. Thank you again! 😀

Absolutely and you’re welcome, I’ll send them your way as soon as TBT has been received! :D

EDIT: Flowers sent! Pleasure like always and enjoy the yellow flowers! :D
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IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Classic Easter EggApr 21, 2014 at 4:50 PM1,000 TBTx 1
Gingerbread ManDec 23, 2022 at 10:45 AM75 TBTx 1
Red Holiday CandleDec 21, 2022 at 4:34 PM
Dec 18, 2022 at 9:53 PM
75 TBTx 2
May I ask what the trade-in value of an Angel Wings Potion and a Raven Wings Potion would be? I’d love to use the credit towards your Sheep Plush if possible. 😊🐏
Hey, @MasterM64 ! I am not having much luck selling my collectibles and see you have a few I may be interested in. How much trade-in credit could I get for the following?

4 Gastly Halloweaster Eggs

1 Chocolate Cake

1 Jingloid

1 Pumpkin Glow Wand

1 Blue Moon Jellyfish

1 Jingle Christmas Doll

1 Christmas Candy

1 Black Famous Mushroom

1 Friday the 13th Candy

EDIT: 1 Clownfish Plush as well
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Hey! :)
I would like to trade in a paradise planning egg please.
I am interested in 4 of your ladybird eggs.
I believe with the trade in and my credit I would have 644 to pay.
May I ask what the trade-in value of an Angel Wings Potion and a Raven Wings Potion would be? I’d love to use the credit towards your Sheep Plush if possible. 😊🐏

Hello again! For both of those potions, I would be willing to offer 4,000 TBT in value of Store Credit. How does that sound to you? :D

Hey, @MasterM64 ! I am not having much luck selling my collectibles and see you have a few I may be interested in. How much trade-in credit could I get for the following?

4 Gastly Halloweaster Eggs

1 Chocolate Cake

1 Jingloid

1 Pumpkin Glow Wand

1 Blue Moon Jellyfish

1 Jingle Christmas Doll

1 Christmas Candy

1 Black Famous Mushroom

1 Friday the 13th Candy

EDIT: 1 Clownfish Plush as well

Hey Midoriya! Sorry to hear that :( , glad that I can help offload this stuff for you though so you can get stuff you are looking for!

After calculating, I can offer 8,060 TBT in value of Store Credit for everything except for the Gastly eggs. For the Gastly Eggs, I can offer 800 TBT in value of Store Credit for those since I intend to lower the price of the whole shop stock of that egg through this trade if that works for you (since they seem to move slowly). How does that sound to you? :D

Hey! :)
I would like to trade in a paradise planning egg please.
I am interested in 4 of your ladybird eggs.
I believe with the trade in and my credit I would have 644 to pay.

Hello again! Sounds good to me, I would be able to offer 2,400 TBT in value of Store Credit for that egg and you have 1,156 TBT in Store Credit currently and all 4 eggs would be 4,000. That would mean that you would only owe 444 TBT after the trade-in for the 4 Ladybug Eggs! How does that sound? :D
Hey Midoriya! Sorry to hear that :( , glad that I can help offload this stuff for you though so you can get stuff you are looking for!

After calculating, I can offer 8,060 TBT in value of Store Credit for everything except for the Gastly eggs. For the Gastly Eggs, I can offer 800 TBT in value of Store Credit for those since I intend to lower the price of the whole shop stock of that egg through this trade if that works for you (since they seem to move slowly). How does that sound to you? :D

That sounds great! And can I use 5,000 of that to buy 5 Pave Pink Feathers from you please? Dates generally don't matter and no messages needed. Thank you!

I'll go ahead and start sending everything over now. :D

EDIT: It's all been sent!
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That sounds great! And can I use 5,000 of that to buy 5 Pave Pink Feathers from you please? Dates generally don't matter and no messages needed. Thank you!

I'll go ahead and start sending everything over now. :D

EDIT: It's all been sent!

Sounds good, I just sent them your way! You now have 3,860 TBT in Store Credit leftover. :D Pleasure like always and enjoy the feathers! :)

@MasterM64 I’d like to use my store credit to purchase the Oarfish Head/Tail, please! I’ll use my TBT to pay for the rest.

Hey @That Marshal Fangirl , that sounds good to me! All that is needed is 50 TBT and I’ll send everything over! :D
Hello again! For both of those potions, I would be willing to offer 4,000 TBT in value of Store Credit. How does that sound to you? :D

Hey Midoriya! Sorry to hear that :( , glad that I can help offload this stuff for you though so you can get stuff you are looking for!

After calculating, I can offer 8,060 TBT in value of Store Credit for everything except for the Gastly eggs. For the Gastly Eggs, I can offer 800 TBT in value of Store Credit for those since I intend to lower the price of the whole shop stock of that egg through this trade if that works for you (since they seem to move slowly). How does that sound to you? :D

Hello again! Sounds good to me, I would be able to offer 2,400 TBT in value of Store Credit for that egg and you have 1,156 TBT in Store Credit currently and all 4 eggs would be 4,000. That would mean that you would only owe 444 TBT after the trade-in for the 4 Ladybug Eggs! How does that sound? :D

That sounds good to me! I'll send them over now, and if I could use my existing store credit to cover the rest of the cost for the Sheep Plush. No message is needed. Thanks so much! 😊
Hello again! Sounds good to me, I would be able to offer 2,400 TBT in value of Store Credit for that egg and you have 1,156 TBT in Store Credit currently and all 4 eggs would be 4,000. That would mean that you would only owe 444 TBT after the trade-in for the 4 Ladybug Eggs! How does that sound? :D
That sounds even better. Thank you. :)
I'll send those over now.
That sounds good to me! I'll send them over now, and if I could use my existing store credit to cover the rest of the cost for the Sheep Plush. No message is needed. Thanks so much! 😊
That sounds even better. Thank you. :)
I'll send those over now.
@That Marshal Fangirl

I apologize for the delayed response and processing of everyone’s orders, just got everything sent over! Pleasure doing business with all of y’all and enjoy the new collectibles! :D If I missed anything, please let me know!

New Discount Sets Added!

IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Paradise Planning Easter EggApr 18, 2022 at 2:02 AM3,000 TBTx 1
Splat Easter EggApr 19, 2022 at 9:52 AM2,000 TBTx 1
Moonlight Halloweaster EggNov 1, 2020 at 11:35 PM
Nov 1, 2020 at 4:12 PM
Nov 1, 2020 at 1:47 PM
Nov 1, 2020 at 12:30 PM
1,250 TBTx 4
Gastly Halloweaster EggNov 5, 2022 at 2:18 PM
Nov 5, 2022 at 10:30 AM
Nov 5, 2022 at 10:29 AM
Nov 5, 2022 at 10:28 AM
275 TBT
(was 350)
x 4
Pumpkin Glow WandOct 30, 2021 at 12:47 AM6,000 TBTx 1
Clownfish PlushAug 20, 2021 at 2:40 PM2,000 TBTx 1
Silver Moon JellyfishAug 15, 2021 at 1:08 PM5,000 TBTx 1
Blue Moon JellyfishAug 31, 2021 at 4:30 AM500 TBTx 1
Angel Wings PotionNov 11, 2022 at 12:26 AM2,500 TBTx 1
Raven Wings PotionNov 6, 2022 at 1:25 PM2,500 TBTx 1
Ghostly PreservesNov 2, 2021 at 9:35 PM
Nov 1, 2021 at 6:13 PM
Oct 31, 2021 at 10:30 PM
800 TBTx 5
Black Famous MushroomNov 27, 2020 at 1:47 PM200 TBTx 1
JingloidDec 25, 2021 at 12:48 PM500 TBTx 1
Jingle Christmas DollDec 25, 2020 at 8:57 PM125 TBTx 1
Christmas CandyDec 25, 2022 at 9:30 PM
Dec 22, 2020 at 11:39 AM
Dec 22, 2020 at 9:13 AM
Dec 22, 2020 at 8:44 AM
Dec 22, 2020 at 6:59 AM
50 TBTx 5
森 (Mori)Nov 27, 2021 at 10:58 AM2,500 TBTx 1
Chocolate CakeJul 28, 2022 at 10:55 PM500 TBTx 1
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