🍀 Mayor of PARADISE 🍀
Very Important Announcement Afterwards!
Very Important Announcement Afterwards!
Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing well! |
Hello everyone, hope everyone is doing well! |
Hello again everyone, I apologize for just now providing an update, just needed time to plan and to ensure everything was ready to go for the next steps. After a recent change in the TBT Marketplace Rules thread (under "Collectible Lending") and receiving a message prior to that change regarding concern about wording that used to be in the Store Credit section, I have decided that I do not feel comfortable continuing to offer something that I cannot guarantee even from unexpected scenarios. Effective May 1st 2023, I will cease the Store Credit program and until then the shop will be opened to Store Credit Accountholders only to ensure they can get what they want from the existing stock with as much time as possible. If there is an odd small amount left that no collectible in the shop can fulfill, I will settle it with TBT. Additionally, all collectibles in the shop will be 50% OFF as a huge thank you for trusting me and helping the shop grow to where it is today! @LambdaDelta @Ryumia @Darkesque_ @Holla @Moonfish @shendere @daringred_ @Mutti @pochy @Bluebellie @JemAC @S.J. @Croconaw @xSuperMario64x @KittenNoir @Blink. @Bob Zombie @That Marshal Fangirl To safeguard from any issues and to retain security of accounts in my shop, please do not change your username while holding a balance during this time. Also, please place orders in the shop thread (not by PM) to ensure this time is as organized as possible. Thank you! |
If I’m understanding correctly, I’ll take a Bu (teal house) for 500 TBT of my store credit, which was listed originally at 1,000 TBT.
I also don’t need a message. Thanks!
This is a very thorough explanation, thank you! If I’m understanding right, I’d like to redeem my store credit and purchase a Raven Wings Potion with the 50% off, paying the remaining balance with TBT. The November 6th date is preferable, please![]()
Hey Jared! I'll take the Dragonscale and 5 Rebel gnomes (any dates) - if I understand correctly, this should equal 1,750 after the 50% discount. If that works, I'll send over 10 tbt to cover the remainder after my store credit!
Hello again
May I be able to get the Angel Potion with the 50% off and then I’ll pay the rest with the credit I have and TBT?
May I also purchase any dated Raven potion with the 50% off price?
can the 50% apply still if I go over? kinda interested in both the pumpkin wand and raven potion, though that's like 730 over my credit, I believe
and if so, could I pay at least some of the remainder in further collectible trades?
edit: went through my inventory real quick, so in case the above is possible, here's what I found so far:
toy duck plush
gingerbread man
black famous mushroom
spring sakura
easter egg (as in the one literally named as such)
idk if this would cover it or go over or still be under or what. I guess if trade for the remainder is fine, just lmk trade-in values for any of this to figure it out from there
Thanks for the ping!
Could I please get a pink house (April 2021) and a cherry (March 2021)? That should come to 285 TBT store credit, and I have 275 TBT store credit, so I hope it's ok to send you the remaining TBT? No messages would be needed. I'll send the TBT now, but if there's any issues, please let me know!
Thanks for running the store credit program. It was great while it lasted!![]()
yeah, that is perfectly fine and understandable re: the trade-in value adjustmentHey Lambda, that is totally fine! To keep things in balance, I do accept trades for the rest of the amount, but they would be at 40% trade-in value instead of the normal 80% (since it will eventually go back to regular value). After calculating, I would be able to offer 550 in value for all of that which would leave 180 TBT remaining. If that sounds good to you, I'll send both of the collectibles your way as soon as I receive everything your way! How does that sound to you?![]()
Hello again!That sounds good to me and yes that is totally fine with me, I'll send them both over to you as soon as I receive the 1,904 TBT from you. Would you like any messages?
yeah, that is perfectly fine and understandable re: the trade-in value adjustment
I'll get everything sent over, and once it's confirmed you can send the other stuff my way
also, messages please, as always
edit: everything should be sent. if I missed anything, just lmk
HelloThank you so much
I have just sent the 1904 TBT then
Could I please have the following messages:
For Raven Potion: The secret ingredient... feathers from a Raven.... that is if you can catch one.
For Angel Potion: A few feathers from an Angel is what is needed to brew this potion.
Thank you againJust sent everything your way! Pleasure like always and thank you for supporting my shop early on (you’ve had that account around for a while!)!
You’re absolutely welcome, just sent everything your way! Pleasure doing business with you again and thank you again for entrusting me with the account you had in my shop!![]()
I don’t need any other collectibles, so I’ll take the TBT! Thanks.Sounds good to me, just sent it your way! After this transaction, you will have 6 TBT in Store Credit leftover. Would you like anything else?If not, I'll send the remaining 6 TBT over to you and you will be good to go!
Sent the extra TBT! Any message is fine![]()
Thank you againYou always provided such amazing service, I also wanted to update you I am sorry I never got around to sending that Gastly egg I have lost it and the mods are looking into it for me
Thank you again![]()
Hey MasterM64! May I get the following collectibles below with the store credit I have? (16,870)
Spring Bloom Easter Egg Apr 20, 2022 at 11:24 PM - 3k
Splat Easter Egg - 2k
2x Snowflake Glow Wand - 13k
Dino Plush any date - 2150
Clownfish Plush any date - 2k
Bee Plush any date - 2k
Silver Moon Jellyfish Sep 1, 2021 at 2:13 AM - 5k
Pink Moon Jellyfish - 1500
Mori - 2.5k
Subtotal - 33,150
50% discount
Total - 16,575
LMK if there needs to be any adjustments/changes to the math cause I do be tired :'>
With the remainder, I may just get a bunch of tasty cakes.
I don’t need any other collectibles, so I’ll take the TBT! Thanks.
May I get the red holiday candle with my credit?
Then I’ll owe 2tbt? Or 3tbt? Or none? (if my other discounts apply). Not sure which![]()
Sent, no message needed! Thank you!Sounds good to me and it would be 2 TBT left to be paid!Would you like a message?