Shop 🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️ [CLOSED]

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Hello! :) I apologize for the delayed response. After looking, I would be willing Trade Do/Light Blue House in exchange for your Black Rose + 50TBT since I got too many of the other collectibles already. How does that sound and would you like a message?
No worries! I can def do that, I'll send the collectible + TBT shortly. And no message needed!

Edit: Sent the Black Hybrid Rose and TBT!
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I'd like to buy the May Birthstone, Tin Robot, Pear (2014 one), and Yellow Candy please :)

Hello! I apologize for just now seeing this (been very busy IRL)! :( Are you still in need of these collectibles? If so, I’ll send as soon as TBT has been received. Would you like any messages? :)
Hello! I apologize for just now seeing this (been very busy IRL)! :( Are you still in need of these collectibles? If so, I’ll send as soon as TBT has been received. Would you like any messages? :)
Yea I'll still take 'em :)

Only message will be on the pear:
"Be pear or be square."
Hello, would you be willing to trade your August 31, 2021 Dino Plush for my August 25, 2021 Dino Plush for 22 tbt? (I believe that is 1%, feel free to correct me!)
Hello, would you be willing to trade your August 31, 2021 Dino Plush for my August 25, 2021 Dino Plush for 22 tbt? (I believe that is 1%, feel free to correct me!)

Hello! That sounds good to me, would you like a message? I’ll send it over as soon as TBT and your plush has been received. :)

Hey MasterM64! Can I buy your 2015 May Birthstone? Any message works.
Hello again! Sounds good to me, I’ll send your way as soon as TBT has been received. :D

EDIT: TBT received and birthstone sent! Pleasure like always and enjoy your new collectible! :D
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Hello everyone, it has been quite a bit since I have done an update (life has been quite busy)! o_O I got a couple of announcements to share today:

To start, after much reviewing of the current market and looking at rarity of certain collectibles, I decided to do a complete re-evaluation of the pricing of the entire inventory! As a result, a lot of prices greatly decreased while also accounting for rarity/demand of certain ones as well. Feel free to make any offers though! :D

Lastly, I recently got a nice stock of the new Space Camp collectibles, including the beautiful new wand!


IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Planet Glow WandAug 16, 2023 at 5:09 PM2,000 TBTx 1
White Crescent MoonAug 19, 2023 at 11:12 PM
Aug 15, 2023 at 11:07 AM
1,500 TBTx 2
Blue Crescent MoonAug 19, 2023 at 11:12 PM500 TBTx 1
Hi there. interested in the white moon chair.

Looking to trade in rainbow candy, purple bat potion & purple candy. What would they be worth towards it (if you are interested in them), thanks.
interested in the planet wand, but first, what would the trade-in value of a rainbow candy and purple bat potion be? (separate values, please)

edit: oh, I guess I can ask about the asteroid plush trade-in value too, in this case
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