Shop 🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️ [CLOSED]

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Hi friend 💜 I would love a planet wand for a 5 year giveaway.

Not sure what I have as not much tbt but maybe kaliedoclover? Can I look and see if you are interested in trades? Would love to do something
Hi there. interested in the white moon chair.

Looking to trade in rainbow candy, purple bat potion & purple candy. What would they be worth towards it (if you are interested in them), thanks.

Hey Liz! I saw that you had a blue rocket pop in your selling thread (interested for my personal collection) so I would accept that + rainbow candy for the White Moon Chair. How does that sound? :D

interested in the planet wand, but first, what would the trade-in value of a rainbow candy and purple bat potion be? (separate values, please)

edit: oh, I guess I can ask about the asteroid plush trade-in value too, in this case

Hey friend! I can offer the following values:

Rainbow Candy: 800
Purple Bat Potion: 560
Asteroid Plush: 600 (based on documented sales recently)

Hi friend 💜 I would love a planet wand for a 5 year giveaway.

Not sure what I have as not much tbt but maybe kaliedoclover? Can I look and see if you are interested in trades? Would love to do something

Hey Roxxy! :D I would love to sell one to you, but @LambdaDelta already posted about the one listed. If the trade does not work out, I’ll reach out to you. 👍
Hey friend! I can offer the following values:

Rainbow Candy: 800
Purple Bat Potion: 560
Asteroid Plush: 600 (based on documented sales recently)
could I do the potion+plush trade-in and then pay the rest in tbt?

I believe this should be 1160 tbt covered for the trade-in, which would then leave a remaining balance of 840 tbt to be paid

also, message please on the wand. as always, whatever you can come up with works. thanks
could I do the potion+plush trade-in and then pay the rest in tbt?

I believe this should be 1160 tbt covered for the trade-in, which would then leave a remaining balance of 840 tbt to be paid

also, message please on the wand. as always, whatever you can come up with works. thanks

Sounds good to me friend! I’ll send it over as soon as the TBT & collectibles have been received. :D

EDIT: Just sent it your way! :)
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Hey Liz! I saw that you had a blue rocket pop in your selling thread (interested for my personal collection) so I would accept that + rainbow candy for the White Moon Chair. How does that sound? :D
Sounds perfect thanks. Sending those over. :)
No message thanks.

Sent rainbow candy. Will send the rocket pop when tradable
Sounds perfect thanks. Sending those over. :)
No message thanks.

Sent rainbow candy. Will send the rocket pop when tradable

Oh, ok! I’ll send the Rainbow Candy back and we can finalize once everything can be sent. Which timestamp did you want for the White Moon so I can put it on hold? :)

@MasterM64 how much does it cost for me to date trade my golden jellyfish for your only one?

Hey @-Mars- ! The timestamp trading fee would be 20 TBT. Would you like a message as well? :)
Oh, ok! I’ll send the Rainbow Candy back and we can finalize once everything can be sent. Which timestamp did you want for the White Moon so I can put it on hold?
Can I have the one from 15th please.
Speak again on the 26th.
Can I have the one from 15th please.
Speak again on the 26th.

Sounds good, I’ll put it on hold for you! :)

I would like to DT my white moon Aug 14, 2023 at 8:38 AM for your Aug 19, 2023 at 11:12 PM please :)

Sounds good to me, I’ll send it your way as soon as I receive yours + 15 TBT. Would you like a message? :)


IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
Asteroid PlushJul 31, 2023 at 5:12 PM750 TBTx 1
Purple Bat PotionNov 2, 2019 at 10:43 PM700 TBTx 1
Hi! Could I buy both of your white moons?

Hello amemome! :) 1 of those is on hold (trade pending due to waiting for Rocket Popsicle to become tradeable), but the other is available though! Would you like a message? I’ll send as soon as TBT has been received. :D
Hello amemome! :) 1 of those is on hold (trade pending due to waiting for Rocket Popsicle to become tradeable), but the other is available though! Would you like a message? I’ll send as soon as TBT has been received. :D
oh no problem! I'll take just one then! No message is fine! will send over TBT asap!


IconNameTimestamp(s) in GMT -5/EST**PriceStock
KaleidocloverMar 22, 2019 at 12:15 AM2,000 TBTx 1
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