Shop 🍀🏝️PARADISE Collectibles🏝️🍀 [SHOP CLOSED]

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Hey master are you still interested in buying? All but my tart egg of course :)

Hey my friend, after reviewing the list of collectibles again, I think I am only interested in your Popsicle and Ice Cream Swirl at the moment, but I will definitely contact you about the rest if I am in need of more of those particular collectibles! :) Are you willing to sell them at the prices you have them listed on your thread (if so, I know I will be able to sell the Ice Cream Swirl way cheaper than normal which would make certain customers of mine very happy)? Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D
Hey my friend, after reviewing the list of collectibles again, I think I am only interested in your Popsicle and Ice Cream Swirl at the moment, but I will definitely contact you about the rest if I am in need of more of those particular collectibles! :) Are you willing to sell them at the prices you have them listed on your thread (if so, I know I will be able to sell the Ice Cream Swirl way cheaper than normal which would make certain customers of mine very happy)? Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :D

That is completely fine :p
That is completely fine :p

Perfect, I will send the TBT your way now then since I am buying from you! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you like always! :) I wish you an absolutely amazing rest of the day/night and thank you so much again for reaching out to me about this opportunity! :D
Hey! I’m interested in buying from you. Is the spring cleaning sale stacked with the nominees discount?
I would like to get the 02-09-2019 10:01PM white tulip collectible. Hope it is alright that I don't use my store credit and just send the tbt payment instead.
hey, can I also purchase a 2017 blue hybrid pansy and 2017 pink hybrid cosmos?

should be 382 tbt, I believe. also, messages for those too, please
Going Out of Town + Sale Extension + New Collectibles in Stock + Responses!

Hello everyone, I hope everyone has been having a great week so far and will have an an excellent weekend as well! :D Before the weekend starts, I have a few announcements! :D I also will have responses for posts above below all of these announcements! :)

To start off, I will be going out of town this weekend (leaving in a matter of hours) so there will be longer delays in processing orders, but don't worry, everyone will get what they order and pay for! :D I also have cleaned out my inbox a good bit in anticipation of a lot of orders being made before I can process them! o/

Secondly, I also wanted to announce that I have decided to extend the Spring Cleaning Sale to end on May 2nd instead of its original end time of April 29th (updated the top banner as well to reflect this) so that I didn't have to worry about ending the sale as soon as I got home and to also give everyone more time to get collectibles they want and need at a very discounted price! =) As a side note, the discount given to contest nominees (that does not stack with other discounts except coupons) will continue to be valid through the rest of the sale as long as the colored usernames are still used or if there is a complete list of all nominees for verification!

Lastly, I wanted to announce that I have new collectibles in stock including the complete TBT Beach Party set (Popsicle & Ice Cream Swirl) and a super rare 2018 Christmas Toy Hammer (only 3 in existence with this timestamp)! :D All of these newly-added collectibles can be found below with their respective timestamps! :D

I hope everyone is doing really well today and I want to thank everyone who has taken the time to check out my shop today and to read this announcement! :D

Red Cosmos05-28-2018 05:41 PM
05-08-2016 12:26 AM
12 TBT (was 15 TBT!)x 2
White Cosmos05-28-2018 05:41 PM
05-21-2016 04:27 PM
12 TBT (was 15 TBT!)x 2
Kapp'n Christmas Doll12-25-2018 04:35 AM118 TBT (was 135!)x 1
Jingle12-25-2018 04:35 AM286 TBT (was 325!)x 1
Popsicle SOLD!09-12-2014 04:00 PM1,320 TBT (was 1,500!)x 1
Ice Cream Swirl09-12-2014 04:00 PM528 TBT (was 600!)x 1
Toy Hammer12-26-2018 07:30 PM3,960 TBT (was 4,500!)x 1
Thank you for looking and for your interest! :D

Hey! I’m interested in buying from you. Is the spring cleaning sale stacked with the nominees discount?

Hello, long time no see! :) Awesome, the Nominee Discount is like the investor discount in terms of being a base discount that does not stack, but can be eclipsed by a higher discount (like the Easter Eggs right now) and coupon discounts can be stacked with it. How does that sound to you? :D With that in mind, is there anything you want to get? Look forward to hearing back from you soon! :)

I would like to get the 02-09-2019 10:01PM white tulip collectible. Hope it is alright that I don't use my store credit and just send the tbt payment instead.

Hey my friend, that all sounds perfect! :D I just put it on hold for you and I will send it your way as soon as I receive the TBT! :)

EDIT: Got it ready to go for easy sending so you don't have to wait much longer after payment to get the beauty! :)

hey, can I also purchase a 2017 blue hybrid pansy and 2017 pink hybrid cosmos?

should be 382 tbt, I believe. also, messages for those too, please

Sounds good my friend, I'll send them your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you! :)

EDIT: Flowers sent! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always my friend and thank you so much again for being a returning customer of mine! :) I hope you enjoy your new collectibles and have an absolutely fantastic weekend! :D
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Hi, again! May I buy two Tasty Cakes (04-21-2019 08:10 PM & 01:51 PM timestamps) for 16 TBT?
Hi, again! May I buy two Tasty Cakes (04-21-2019 08:10 PM & 01:51 PM timestamps) for 16 TBT?

Hello again and absolutely! :D I'll send both your way as soon as I receive the TBT from you! :)

Awesome, I just sent both your way! Your lineup looks awesome! :D It is an absolute pleasure doing business with you again and thank you so much for being a returning customer as well! :) I hope you have an awesome weekend and enjoy your new collectible! :D
hi again M64! i’d love to buy your popsicle, i’ll send the tbt once you’ve confirmed the order c:
hi again M64! i’d love to buy your popsicle, i’ll send the tbt once you’ve confirmed the order c:

Hello my friend! :D That's awesome, I'll send the beauty your way as soon as I see the TBT has been received! :)
Hello my friend! :D That's awesome, I'll send the beauty your way as soon as I see the TBT has been received! :)

it isn’t letting me send the full amount for some reason, but i’m going to hop onto my computer and try there
it isn’t letting me send the full amount for some reason, but i’m going to hop onto my computer and try there

That's odd, I was wondering why I only received 1 TBT! xD It's all good though, technology can do odd things sometimes! o/
That's odd, I was wondering why I only received 1 TBT! xD It's all good though, technology can do odd things sometimes! o/

it still wouldn't work when i tried to send the whole amount (it sent 1 tbt again o: ) i broke it down into smaller chunks though and sent it your way! it should be all there but double check incase it glitched or something (and sorry for spamming your inbox lol)
it still wouldn't work when i tried to send the whole amount (it sent 1 tbt again o: ) i broke it down into smaller chunks though and sent it your way! it should be all there but double check incase it glitched or something (and sorry for spamming your inbox lol)

That is definitely odd for sure my friend! o_O You still have 18 leftover so it is not like it was denying your request because of a TBT being .50 or something... I definitely would recommend contacting staff about that and see if they know what could be the issue. o/

Everything is accounted for though and you got yourself another Popsicle! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always my friend and thank you so very much for being a returning customer of mine! :) If there is anything you are looking for, feel free to let me know and I will be on the lookout for you! :D I hope you have an absolutely amazing weekend and I will see you around my friend! :)
That is definitely odd for sure my friend! o_O You still have 18 leftover so it is not like it was denying your request because of a TBT being .50 or something... I definitely would recommend contacting staff about that and see if they know what could be the issue. o/

Everything is accounted for though and you got yourself another Popsicle! :D It is an absolute pleasure like always my friend and thank you so very much for being a returning customer of mine! :) If there is anything you are looking for, feel free to let me know and I will be on the lookout for you! :D I hope you have an absolutely amazing weekend and I will see you around my friend! :)

i had to pull another 18 tbt from my abd because it wouldn’t let me send it for some reason. thanks for your help though! i really appreciate it and you have yourself a great day + weekend as well :blush:
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