When we moved there it was at the start of my "being hella punk/goth" stage(also due to the things happening at that stage in my life) so when we moved in and I got the old nursery I was kind of livid. It was baby pink and had this border of toys and bunnies on parade. And to top it off above the door was a Precious Memories cross, with a praying PM kid on it. I took it down pretty soon after we moved there. Now the fact that nothing happened before I took it down lends me to believe it is possible there was something going on there before we moved there, but anyways.
The first things that started happening was I would be woken up in the middle of the night, like someone had just shook me up or something, and it would be that dead silence, the really creepy silence, so I'd turn on my radio and try to go back to sleep. I had these accordion doors on my closet which were slotted, and slotted french "doors" on my windows, and they'd often be opened, either the slots opened or the whole thing opened, which I for sure left closed. I also had this shelf above my closet which I thought was a great place to put some toys.. like my several furbies... up to display. I couldn't stand their eyes watching me in the dark, it was unnerving so I started to close them before I went to sleep, and low and behold when I would be shaken awake their eyes would all be open again. And this was a super high shelf above my closet like right below the ceiling, that I had to crawl on top of my laundry hamper each night to close their eyes.
So I started to basically fear all of my toys, I stopped being able to trust them. I was a strange child but I mean, they gave me reasons... I had this Dorothy barbie doll, she had a button in her back that when you pushed it she'd say one of her phrases from the movie "There's no place like home" "Toto, I don't think we're in Kansas" yadda yadda. But while she spoke her feet would also light up red. There was no light without her speaking, and no speaking without her lights they happened at the same time. Now I had a bed with drawers under it which I stored my barbies in, I even taped them shut. Yeah I told you, strange kid. At this point I also had started sleeping with the door open because of what had been happening, I was a wuss and so my mom would leave the hall light on for me and it helped, at least a bit. But one night, I woke up, like always and I looked for whatever it was they wanted to spook me with, there was always something, the windows, the furbies, etc. So I looked and behind my open door I could see the red glowing of Dorothy's feet, now I knew for sure that I had her in the taped shut drawers under my bed, but there she was, I could see her dimly lit by the red light body, just glowing away, not talking at all. I hid and went back to sleep and in the morning she was still behind the door but her feet were off, I tried pushing her button and she only garbled, like her batteries were dead, I tried to switch them out and that's jut how she talked. So I threw her away.
I got into a ritual each night, I'd turn on the hall light, close my closet, close the furbies eyes, turn on my radio, tape my drawers shut, and close my windows and then get into bed. I couldn't even get to sleep without doing all these things, so it became habitual. One night while closing my windows I noticed there was a shadow under the street light, it looked almost like someone standing under it, blocking the light from hitting the street but there was nothing there, just the shadow on the ground, just an absence of light, it's hard to explain. I stared at it for a bit but convinced myself it was something spilled on the road like oil or something, but when I went to school in the morning it was gone. The next night when I went to close my window it was there again, same spot just sitting there, I tried to put it out of my mind, closed my windows, went to bed. "Who knows it could be a dead spot in the light or something stuck in there." Next night is wasn't in the same spot, it was now on the sidewalk, across from my house and this time it was more than a shadow, more of a smaller figure, and I could feel it looking back. It's hard to describe the feeling of something without eyes looking at you, but you can feel it for sure. Every few days it'd move somewhere else on the street, but when I looked at it it would just stand still, I never saw it actually move, it freaked me out because it seemed like it was moving closer. But then one day I looked out and it wasn't anywhere, I looked in all the usual places and stood on my tippy toes to see if it maybe was close enough for the section of roof to cover or something but it wasn't anywhere, I felt relieved to say the least and went to bed much more soundly, until of course I was woken up.
This time instead of a shake it was a thud that woke me up. I looked around the room and saw nothing at first. So I looked at the wall and started to doze but as soon as I was almost there from the corner of where the two walls met the ceiling nearest the window was this black material, it was like something out of the Grudge, it was spilling out of the corner like liquid and dripping down the wall until it was fully in the room, and as it oozed out my poor little body, frozen with dread could feel the sensation that it gave me when it was outside. It formed back into it's normal blobby kind of shape but stayed in that corner, on the ceiling, and I could just feel it piercing me with it's eyeless gaze. I swear it was like a staring contest from hell, I sat their eyes as wide as they could get, petrified, until I eventually passed out.
Now this was only the beginning. He came back, each night for a good long while. Now sure we got off to a rough start, but as I just said HE, yes he was a man, quickly became friendly. I sort of looked at him as a kind of guardian, when he was there nothing else was happening. He moved down to the floor, and would be in different parts of the room, and he became more "solid" I guess, got features, I could see his actual eyes now and his face, he still kind of freaked me out but I could sometimes hear him, he had a warm voice and became a kind of warm presence. I used to know his name, I'm sure I could find it in one of my old drawing journals because I would draw him too, but all of this is kind of shared space with other stuff I've locked away in my mind from myself. He'd tell me that things were ok, and that things would get better, and I tried hard to believe him because things then were not good at all. So everything was fine, I stopped having to wake up but if I did stir I could turn and see him and go right back to bed.
Now this all changed, and it changed fast. I had my friend over and she was laying on the ground next to me, it was a weekend so we were staying up and talking and she asked me if it had gotten colder all of a sudden, and after she mentioned it I noticed it too. I turned and he was there, in the corner of the room farthest from us, but it wasn't normal him, his arms were crossed and his face was darkened and I couldn't see it. My friend was asking me what I was looking at because she couldn't see him, so I told her about him. When I said his name I felt this shift in energy, and I could feel that he was jealous, and angry, god this is hard to talk about haha, but it was so potent like I could feel the shift immediately. I could hear him say something along the lines of "she needs to go" or something mildly threatening. I told her we could maybe go sleep downstairs and not in my room and she was already looking petrified, and she told me that she didn't like this feeling at all. She was sitting up and she kind of, was slammed into the floor like her arms buckled and she was on the floor grasping at her chest. I looked to the corner and he was gone, she started hyperventilating saying it felt like something was "scratching her insides" I yelled at him to leave her alone, to get out of her and he listened. She was huffing, I looked around and he was gone, my mom was woken up by my yelling and we told her it was nothing and went and stayed up until the sun was up and then finally passed out for a few hours. It was honestly so terrifying but after that he never came back, he wanted to be my only friend or something and I couldn't give him that...
Since he left other things resumed. There was multiple instances of things running through the hallway as soon as I woke up, like I would look out and something that was standing in the hallway right under the light would go scampering off and I could hear it run down the stairs. It was child sized but it creeped me out to all heck. I was almost convinced it was my American Girl Doll I had bought because she would always move around my closet but the hallway child was larger than she was. The worst thing I can remember was one night I woke up and my closet doors were slightly shaking, like someone had just jiggled them, but they stopped, I had my eyes glued to them when I started seeing a shadow peeking out from under the doors... it slid out side to side like a snake, but it was 2 dimensional on the ground, there was a face, with just negative space eyes and a gaping mouth and long fingers and arms just slithering out from under the door, honestly it was the most terrifying thing I had ever seen, it's mouth stretched like it was screaming as it came towards my bed, I pulled the covered over my head and sat their frozen for what felt like forever, I still to this day can't get that sight out of my head no matter how bad I want to bury it, I can't explain how horrifying it was, because it probably sounds lame how I described it...
Also during the duration of my time there I got a ton of scratches and bruises that I would just wake up with. I think at least some of the stuff was my fault, I've done lots of research trying to figure out some of the reasoning behind why all this happens to me, and I think at least some of it was actually me, and I don't mean my imagination I mean like, it was actually me. Because of the stuff that was going on around that time I think there is a good chance that I created a poltergeist, I really badly want to go back to that house someday and see if the people there have had any experiences because if I did make a poltergeist it's definitely still there because I didn't take it with me. I feel really bad if I did leave something there and someone else's kid had to suffer...