Paths yes or no

Do you use paths

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my current island i plan on using paths and probably custom designs near or on them. Probably only on the front part of my island where buildings are. Back of the island i am going to try to have it pretty nature-y. I am not by any means covering every inch of my island. Big annoying mistake on my part in the past.
I like the in game paths. I like to easily navigate through my town and they help a lot. I also like that it makes the maps look nice. The custom paths don’t show in the map, and I don’t really like that.
They really do make the map look nice. One of the few reasons I was thinking of placing them. It would be nice if custom paths showed up on the map.
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my current island i plan on using paths and probably custom designs near or on them. Probably only on the front part of my island where buildings are. Back of the island i am going to try to have it pretty nature-y. I am not by any means covering every inch of my island. Big annoying mistake on my part in the past.
Yea if I do use paths it would only be at the front of my island and middle where I have the shops. Maybe for the museum but I might not. Yea I have used to many paths on my nl towns and don’t want to do that again.
I use both in-game and custom paths. I think you should definitely use paths - they can make your island look less bland and boring :] I prefer using in-game paths, since they go with some bridges.
I use both in-game and custom paths. I think you should definitely use paths - they can make your island look less bland and boring :] I prefer using in-game paths, since they go with some bridges.
It will look better ones I have all the villager houses in their spots and their yards decorated. I also need to switch the trees to fruit trees.
I have a forest-y town, so I use the in-game dirt paths everywhere
Honestly I can't imagine using a custom path lol, they are so much work
I use the custom designs to put a few small dirt patches around, but I don’t use paths. I like the sound it makes walking on the grass/snow/leaves c:
I use both in-game and custom paths. I like overlaying the custom path on the in-game ones.

Yeah running on a custom path sounds like a yoga mat but it looks good on my island. I use my own creations. I have a main "downtown" area and then small off-trails. It's a mixture of big paths and no paths, I guess.

this is exactly how i feel about paths / custom paths, and what i do with my own. i'm not as talanted as pyoopi over here, though, and i just downloaded a really nice trim for the stone path in the game from someone who was nice enough to share it. i think it makes the game paths look really nice, and i don't care about the sound 🖤

having an all green island would be.. weird to me, though. i think maybe a few paths would make it seem like things go with the flow a bit better in my opinion. like a pathway to your stores, etc., and between the houses. the hedges are a good separation, i just think it might look really nice with a little more there to guide you along your way.
I've seen custom design paths that are very nice, but I prefer the in-game ones because I tend to erase the CD ones often. The stone path is probably my favourite because I use it all around the island
I have a forest-y town, so I use the in-game dirt paths everywhere
Honestly I can't imagine using a custom path lol, they are so much work
Yea the custom paths are a lot of work and so easy to accidentally remove. I was thinking the dirt path would be best.
I use the custom designs to put a few small dirt patches around, but I don’t use paths. I like the sound it makes walking on the grass/snow/leaves c:
That’s a good idea about dirt patches. Yea i like the sound the grass makes.
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this is exactly how i feel about paths / custom paths, and what i do with my own. i'm not as talanted as pyoopi over here, though, and i just downloaded a really nice trim for the stone path in the game from someone who was nice enough to share it. i think it makes the game paths look really nice, and i don't care about the sound 🖤

having an all green island would be.. weird to me, though. i think maybe a few paths would make it seem like things go with the flow a bit better in my opinion. like a pathway to your stores, etc., and between the houses. the hedges are a good separation, i just think it might look really nice with a little more there to guide you along your way.
Now that I think about it your probably right that much green might be a bit much. There are some nice dirt patches that would work and still have more of a forest feel. I could still leave the back of the island with no paths since I won’t be using as much fencing back there. Thanks for the ideas.
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I have really been liking the look of default paths with custom paths with transparent bits over them. You get some cool effects with negative space with those.
That’s true thanks. Dirt paths with maybe a flower border might look nice. My only problem is my second island does not have a Nintendo subscription and I’m not very artistic. To bad you can’t use the kiosk without it.
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i used to only use the ingame paths because they were so much easier to decorate with, didn't take up custom slots and looked cute too ♡

however i changed my island a few months ago to have custom paths and they're way better imo because there's so many options and they look more natural (but that depends on what theme ur going for)
although my current path takes up 17 design slots which gets annoying sometimes 😅
But to come back and answer what you should do, like I think in the video, what you have is cool looking. I like that sort of english garden look.

However, I can see it be confusing for visitors because it lacks contrast. That depends if that matters to you, like do you care if friends/visitors might get lost? If is answer is no, then no paths.

But having contrast can make the map feel more finished or just more pleasing to the eyes. You could honestly get away with using in-game paths only ( no custom) and it'd be beautiful. It really depends what kind of outcome you'd want.
What I do is put paths two my shopping area and around my villager neighborhood. Everywhere else has no paths and is more natural. You could try stepping stone paths in areas that aren’t just solid colors everywhere, that can give the look of a path without it being so stark. It’s tough to find a balance between too much and not enough!!
That sounds a lot like what I do.
i used to only use the ingame paths because they were so much easier to decorate with, didn't take up custom slots and looked cute too ♡

however i changed my island a few months ago to have custom paths and they're way better imo because there's so many options and they look more natural (but that depends on what theme ur going for)
although my current path takes up 17 design slots which gets annoying sometimes 😅
That’s why I was thinking of the in game dirt paths since you don’t need custom slots. I might try and make some borders since I can’t use the ables kiosk without a Nintendo subscription. Yea 17 slots would be annoying. Hopefully if I figure out a border I like I can limit it to 9. Maybe in a future update they can give us more slots.
I dont really like using custom paths especially on their own because then it doesnt show up on the island map. I really love paths though because I feel like it gives my island a more urban/developed look
For my forest town, I use weeds as paths, then some mossy stone in more "traveled" areas. I took the idea from a video, and it really establishes a forest feel.
That’s a good idea. I wouldn’t have thought to use weeds like that thanks. Maybe the dirt path with some weeds instead of custom paths.
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But to come back and answer what you should do, like I think in the video, what you have is cool looking. I like that sort of english garden look.

However, I can see it be confusing for visitors because it lacks contrast. That depends if that matters to you, like do you care if friends/visitors might get lost? If is answer is no, then no paths.

But having contrast can make the map feel more finished or just more pleasing to the eyes. You could honestly get away with using in-game paths only ( no custom) and it'd be beautiful. It really depends what kind of outcome you'd want.
Thank you . For right now visitors aren’t an issue since I only have online for my main island right now . When my Nintendo subscription ends I might switch it to the family plan so both islands can be online or just change which switch has online. So yea , your right paths would be better if I choose to have anyone over. Thanks for the advice.
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I dont really like using custom paths especially on their own because then it doesnt show up on the island map. I really love paths though because I feel like it gives my island a more urban/developed look
Yea I don’t like using just custom paths for that reason. If am going to use paths I’d like them to show up on the map.
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I use paths for aesthetic/function, but I think it's definitely a cool/interesting idea to try a second island without them!

I'd be curious to know how a full island of villagers moves around without paths because it seems like they are programmed to use paths when they are there.