Paths yes or no

Do you use paths

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I use paths for aesthetic/function, but I think it's definitely a cool/interesting idea to try a second island without them!

I'd be curious to know how a full island of villagers moves around without paths because it seems like they are programmed to use paths when they are there.
Right now I only have 6 villagers they seem to just wander. They usually hang out around RS.
back in new leaf, i never used paths; i honestly didn’t put any thought into the placement of permanent buildings and villager houses so by the time that i was thinking about using paths, with my layout, any attempts at incorporating paths into my design just looked choppy aha. but i thankfully think things through, now, and i love using paths! to be honest, i don’t really care for the in-game ones so custom paths have been my go to (i wish they made noise when you walk on them, though. >_<). right now, my paths are only on the lower level of my island and i plan on keeping it that way with the only path that i have up on the cliffs being stepping stones. :’)
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I use paths on my island. They're mainly the built-in ones but one path is partially-custom; It's built-in, but with a design painted over it, so it can be curved without using another design slot. Does that count as a custom path, though? I've marked it as "in-game" in the poll.
I use paths in my town, personally. I think they’re a great tool to use, especially since the villagers will actually follow them on their walks if they’re laid out in your town. However, I really don’t like to overload my town with them because then it just doesn’t feel like Animal Crossing to me. Open, grassy areas around the town are a must for me.
back in new leaf, i never used paths; i honestly didn’t put any thought into the placement of permanent buildings and villager houses so by the time that i was thinking about using paths, with my layout, any attempts at incorporating paths into my design just looked choppy aha. but i thankfully think things through, now, and i love using paths! to be honest, i don’t really care for the in-game ones so custom paths have been my go to (i wish they made noise when you walk on them, though. >_<). right now, my paths are only on the lower level of my island and i plan on keeping it that way with the only path that i have up on the cliffs being stepping stones. :’)
I have been using paths since ww. I have had so many towns with paths that I was thinking no paths might be better this time. I might just have part of the island with paths for just the villager houses. Stepping stones sound like a good idea for my shopping plaza.
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I use paths on my island. They're mainly the built-in ones but one path is partially-custom; It's built-in, but with a design painted over it, so it can be curved without using another design slot. Does that count as a custom path, though? I've marked it as "in-game" in the poll.
That would be both I guess I should have added that option . Using a mix of both seems like a good idea.
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I adore the in game paths, the brick ones make me so happy with the little tippy taps so I use them everywhere!
I use the brick ones on my main island and I agree I love the sound they make.
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I use paths in my town, personally. I think they’re a great tool to use, especially since the villagers will actually follow them on their walks if they’re laid out in your town. However, I really don’t like to overload my town with them because then it just doesn’t feel like Animal Crossing to me. Open, grassy areas around the town are a must for me.
Yes it is nice that they follow them I don’t think they really did that in nl. Yea I don’t want to put to many paths down. Thanks to the advice and ideas I have gotten I think I will keep paths to just the area for my villagers. Maybe just stepping stones for my shopping area since it’s surrounded my water and has a pond in the middle of it.
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I really love using ingame paths but I usually overlay them with custom designs or give them some borders to make them "pop" a bit more. The only area I really have a ton of custom designs on the floor is a shopping street/train track area ☺


Thanks for all the ideas and advice definitely appreciated. I tried making custom borders with flowers and they were terrible lol. I did come up with a border I might use. These took me forever but not to bad. Do you like thwith or without the hearts.
I have very few. My resident services is close to the airport with nooks and ables on either side and I have a path for those. I have one other that goes from the top of a ramp to a bridge but its rather pointless. The way my island is setup makes pathing difficult so i dont bother.
I use paths. The game looks too empty without connecting the different areas. But, I hate how many design spots it wastes to have custom paths. They really need to remedy that situation. Either by adding more designs slots overall, or just designating different slots for paths.
I have very few. My resident services is close to the airport with nooks and ables on either side and I have a path for those. I have one other that goes from the top of a ramp to a bridge but its rather pointless. The way my island is setup makes pathing difficult so i dont bother.
Yea certain spots look awkward with paths. The way my shopping plaza is on this island paths really wouldn’t work. I think the only place they could work is where the villagers houses are.
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I use paths. The game looks too empty without connecting the different areas. But, I hate how many design spots it wastes to have custom paths. They really need to remedy that situation. Either by adding more designs slots overall, or just designating different slots for paths.
Yes they can take up most of your design spots. Some spots do look empty without them and I think my hedges will look nice with them to break up the green. Some areas like my shopping plaza might look better without since I prefer straight paths and the pond in the middle and river around would make that a challenge.
I like paths, I put some down but not everywhere. I have built up areas and wild areas. They add dimension and until I have collected lots of items to decorate different areas I use them to fill in the space somewhat.
I’ve considered getting rid of my path. In past games I didn’t use paths but the ones in acnh look good and they have the walking sound. But I REALLY love the more rural look of having no paths. The natural dirt paths in acnl will always be the best though.
I overlay the in-game paths with "transparent" custom paths so my custom paths basically have the texture of the in-game paths. My island is urban-themed so I definitely needed some road paths. :D For example, you can see that my custom road paths have the texture of the arched tile paths to give my roads more life. But of course, your gameplay is definitely up to you and what makes you happy!

I like using paths because it just gives an area more direction and structure. As for custom vs in game paths, I could never pick one or the other to use entirely. Some areas i used "the path", some fancier areas I used this white and light gray marble tile path, and for my main plaza area I use the stone in game path.

It just depends on what area I've created. Using only the in game paths is a bit limiting, which is why I think custom paths are a nice way to be more creative.
I use the in game paths. There are a lot of really cool custom paths out there but I just can’t get past the sounds and I also don’t have room to store them. I like the in game paths though. I use different ones(wood, terracotta and stone) in various areas. I use the dark dirt path in my campsite and for flower garden areas
The 'pre-built' paths? Definitely not. Too blocky, even the dirt paths feel so.. unnatural. I only really used them in niche spots. Only custom paths end up looking remotely good, but they require artistic skills that many do not have, and using others' work feels wrong.
I’ve considered getting rid of my path. In past games I didn’t use paths but the ones in acnh look good and they have the walking sound. But I REALLY love the more rural look of having no paths. The natural dirt paths in acnl will always be the best though.
I do like the look of no paths which is why I can’t see using them everywhere. The natural NL path will always be the best.
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I overlay the in-game paths with "transparent" custom paths so my custom paths basically have the texture of the in-game paths. My island is urban-themed so I definitely needed some road paths. :D For example, you can see that my custom road paths have the texture of the arched tile paths to give my roads more life. But of course, your gameplay is definitely up to you and what makes you happy!

That looks awesome the way the arch shows through.
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I use the in game paths. There are a lot of really cool custom paths out there but I just can’t get past the sounds and I also don’t have room to store them. I like the in game paths though. I use different ones(wood, terracotta and stone) in various areas. I use the dark dirt path in my campsite and for flower garden areas
The sound is why I’d want to use the in game but as @Khaelis said they do look blocky. Also I terrible at trying to do custom paths.
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Thanks for all the ideas and advice definitely appreciated. I tried making custom borders with flowers and they were terrible lol. I did come up with a border I might use. These took me forever but not to bad. Do you like thwith or without the hearts.
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Those are just too precious! :love: I personally like the ones with the hearts more. If you had space, you could use them all!