Peanut Butter: Yay or Nay?

Do you like peanut butter?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • I’m indifferent about it.

  • I’m allergic to it/can’t eat it.

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I love peanut butter, only the creamy kind though.

I used to eat peanut butter sandwiches all the time as a child. My mom would make grilled peanut butter sandwiches and they became a comfort food for me. I also love peanut butter cookies or peanut butter paired with chocolate. I can't stand peanut butter and jelly together, though.

I don't eat peanut butter as often now that I'm an adult, but I still love the taste.
Peanut butter is delicious! Although I only like creamy, crunchy is gross to me.
((also if you add a little extra to a chocolate bannana peanut butter shake it just makes the whole milkshake taste even more delicious))
I've rarely had peanut butter so I can't say much about it. Though if I was given an opportunity to have some, I wouldn't mind. The crunchy variant is my preferred choice.
Peanut butter is amazing. I have it all the time on toast. Also great in cookies.
I really don't like it. As a kid I hated it and I refused to eat anythin made with it.

Now, I still hate it. I very rarely eat PP&J sandwiches but I still hate how peanut butter tastes and smells.
It certainly doesn't look appetizing but wow does it taste amazing! Peanut butter toast with honey is so so good.
I don't care for it. I didn't eat it as a kid, and I don't eat it now.

I prefer cashew or almond butter myself! I can't really describe why I don't care for peanut butter... I think it's the texture, alongside the peanut flavour that makes it gross for me.
Creamy peanut butter only. The bits of peanut in chunky peanut butter drive me insane. Hearing the little pieces between teeth is like nails on a chalkboard for me. Peanut butter does not go with jelly.
I've always loved peanut butter, it's one of my favorite foods. I like to switch between crunchy and creamy though because I get bored with it sometimes
I love peanut butter! Especially when it's in cookies, or with something sweet and chocolatey. Peanut butter and chocolate is one of my favourite combinations. I don't particularly like peanut butter on sandwiches or toast though.
No one in my family ever eats it and I was a pretty picky eater as a kid, as such I never really got into it so now I’m just kinda indifferent
I truthfully enjoy peanut butter only when it's IN something. or ON something, like peanut butter toast/bread, no-bake cookies, Reese's peanut butter cups. But alone? I can't, I need a little in each of those too also, too much pb and my throat can't take it. I'm not allergic, it's just the texture of sticky peanut butter, so dense and filling like a dang cheesecake (which I love so you'd think I'd like it but no) I can't eat it without gagging. So sad :(
I love peanut butter! Peanut butter sandwiches and peanut butter toast are the best.
Although if the smell of it is too strong it kinda grosses me out
Give me a PB&J, and I'll be good for the day 👍(smooth peanut butter, grape jelly, soft bread; my perfect sandwich)

And now that I've said it, I think I may go make one, because now I'm hungry.

(I've tried it with marshmallow cream instead of jelly; the peanut butter tastes even better, and is fluffy! )
I really like peanut butter. I prefer smooth. It’s versatile. You can make sweet and savory dishes from it. So, yay from me.