Peanut Butter: Yay or Nay?

Do you like peanut butter?

  • Yes.

  • No.

  • I’m indifferent about it.

  • I’m allergic to it/can’t eat it.

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I've heard that American chocolate is uh...not good by other country's standards. I LOVE IT, though. ; ;
Plus peanut butter is not common in Spain at all. Fr idk how you guys can eat that 0-o
I've heard that American chocolate is uh...not good by other country's standards. I LOVE IT, though. ; ;
I watched a video once about different countries tastes in chocolate, most countries differ in there milk content so will usually taste different if you were not raised there, or grew up eating it.

As for peanut butter I love it with cheese.
Nope nope nope nope nope 🤢 I can’t even stand the smell of it. Most food things I’ve become less picky about over time and I can even enjoy peanuts themselves now in the right context, but peanut butter still makes me feel ill 😣
i used to love it as a kid, but now i can't even eat it unless it's a flavour on something. it makes me a lil sick.
Haven’t tried peanut butter in years but I can remember the horrible taste, and of course the smell is awful too. So no.
The texture is bizarre and unpleasant, but the taste is okay. I don't understand the drive to incorporate peanut butter into so many desserts, though. Like...peanut butter sauce on a sundae? Imma pass.
So many negative comments about peanut butter in a row! I'm on the extreme side of things where peanut butter is one of my favorite foods. My favorite candy is Reese's peanut butter anything (cups, pieces, you name it). As a college student, I've eaten my fair share of PB and J sandwiches. Sometimes for a snack, I'll just eat a spoonful out of the jar.
peanut butter is great, i eat it a lot, like several times a week. it's high calorie though so i need to be more careful tbh... i love peanut butter with bananas.
i'm kinda indifferent. first of all... chunky or smooth? second, is it strictly peanuts and oil or are there additives?

I think peanut butter is best right out of the jar and on a spoon. Goes great with a hot cup of cocoa.
I love peanut butter! I eat it out of the jar (and sometimes those small travel things you can use for like crackers and stuff) and I LOVE it in Reece's cups. Cannot get enough of it, that's for sure!
I like it, but not in pb&j sandwiches. I had too many of those as a kid and got sick of it, but still enjoy any type of peanut butter with bananas, celery, carrots, chocolate, etc. or even on its own.
I like it, but only on pb&j. I don't eat it very often with anything else. My mom however loves to eat it with either chocolate bars or apple slices.
i love peanut butter, but im very particular about it xD

i love it in small amounts (my favorite snack is peanut butter toast), but hate it in any kind of sweets or pastries especially chocolate. yes i hate reese's. the only thing i can sorta stand is very small bowls of reese's puffs, but i tend to avoid that too lol
One of my favorite toppings; I put it on so much stuff. It is probably one of my main sources of protein.
I love peanut butter. I love to compare it with bananas or nutella to make a sandwich, or apple slices. Yum!
Nay by itself. I might consider it if it's crunchy peanut butter. It *has* to be paired with strawberry jelly, chocolate or on an apple, otherwise, by itself I find it gross. So.. Yanay?

I like the classic PB&J on white bread,heavy on the PB(I prefer smooth but crunchy will do in a pinch) with some raspberry or strawberry jam.I also like PB on bananas or sliced apples.A while back I tried "The Elvis",which is a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich.That sandwich had me all shook up after I ate it and had me doing the jailhouse rock all the way to the bathroom.Talk about some burnin' love.