pearl or diamond

Pick Diamond because Dialga is the only dragon/steel type Pokemon,which is a good type combo.
and dialga has roar of time that is stronger by like 50.but it has to charge and spacial rend doesnt.
Piranha325 said:
Tom.Nook said:
totally pearl palkai looks soooooo much cooler the dailga!!!
No. Dialga looks better than Palkia. Plus, I can actually draw Dialga and make it look decent.
Dinosaurs that stand on four legs: Fail
Dinosaurs that look like pink godzilla: Win
Megamannt125 said:
Piranha325 said:
Tom.Nook said:
totally pearl palkai looks soooooo much cooler the dailga!!!
No. Dialga looks better than Palkia. Plus, I can actually draw Dialga and make it look decent.
Dinosaurs that stand on four legs: Fail
Dinosaurs that look like pink godzilla: Win
but dialga is closer in color to kyogre than palkia.
Get diamond, not because of dialga,(sorry folks palkia really IS better, I checked) but because it has a better poke'mon selection.
Galen said:
Get Diamond, pearl has lame pokemon :O except for Mismagius, but all you have to do is trade!
Wrong. Pearl has better Pokemon. The only thing that ticks me off is that Diamond has Mightyena and Pearl doesn't. But ya, thats what trading is for.

But, I've said this before. Go with Diamond. Dialga pwns Palkia and it has some slightly better Pokemon.