Ah I'd like to request a signature~
Username: crystalmilktea
Town: Milk Tea
Mayor: Crystal
Border: Dashed
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle with large scallopped edge (can it be only on the top and behind the border so the line still shows?

If not, then just rounded rectangle is fine)
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Text: #DE92BD ; Border:#C4F5DC ; Background: #FFEFE8 Sprite Text: #000000 Keeping Sprite Text: #168C77
Background: N/A
Font Preferences: Text:
http://www.dafont.com/angelina.font?text=Milk+Tea Sprite Text: Default
Villagers: (names and include if you want the names included with the sprites) Barold, Cherry, Cranston, Kid Cat, Marshal, Merengue, Roscoe, Skye, Stitches, Tiffany
Include names under sprites?: Yes please ^^
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") N/A
Anything else:
Please include a colour key for the villagers I'm keeping (colour listed above): Cherry, Kid Cat, Marshal, Merengue, Skye, Stitches
Also would like a bow underneath "Milk Tea" in the top left corner ( i don't know where to find bows though...)
"Mayor Crystal" can be in the lower right corner and a smaller font size
Wah this was so complicated but I'm excited for the final product :3 I hope you have most of the info you need (and of course ask me if you have questions and whatnot)
Thank you so much~!
omg wait was the one open spot taken in the same post you just made ;n;