Morning Pengu. I sent the TBT. ^_^
Could you please make some changes to my sig because i got some new villagers
Villagers: Avery, Cookie, Chester, Del, Phoebe, Pietro, Portia, Lucky, Tammy
Dreamis: The same
Hello Pengu :3
Template Shape:Rounded Rectangle
Colors: (text, border, background colors)#FF000(text), #25F50A(border)
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A")No.19
Font Preferences:Regular
Villagers: Lolly Chrissy Francine Marina Diana Filbert Chief Poncho Zell Henry(names and include if you want the names included with the sprites)
Include names under sprites?: yes please :3
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A")N/A
Include names under sprites?:
Anything else:Can you put a blue rose to Henry and Zell as looking for and my native fruit is cherries(down left) FC: 1075-1077-7932(down right)
Thank you
Oh pengu! My name changed back to Sej! So i'm not SejxTwiggy anymore *cough pleaseupdatethemainpage cough*
Haha, no prob. About to update the front shortly anyway, so ya picked good timing to post.
Another one done~! Thanks Moriahh and hope you enjoy it. I already added it to the Flickr album and will be adding it to the front shortly.
Hello! I'd like to update my banner and replace Cranston with Lucky - keeping text colour #168C77 (for future updates, do I need to keep telling you the text colour or do you use the eyedropper tool :3 ) I'll send you the 25TBT now!