Galactan: I just sent you your mockup, so please take a look at it when you get a chance. 
Minth: I just sent you your updated banner. :3 Enjoy~
Another banner done~! Thanks rosie789 and hope you enjoy it.
Already added it to the Flickr album and will be adding it to the front shortly. :3
Stream's over for tonight as I wanna go to bed soon. Ugh, it's not even 10PM and I'm already tired... XD Kinda quiet tonight as it was pretty much Yookey and I chatting, but thanks to the two other random people who joined the stream.
Minth: I just sent you your updated banner. :3 Enjoy~
Another banner done~! Thanks rosie789 and hope you enjoy it.
Stream's over for tonight as I wanna go to bed soon. Ugh, it's not even 10PM and I'm already tired... XD Kinda quiet tonight as it was pretty much Yookey and I chatting, but thanks to the two other random people who joined the stream.