Crazy magical peanut
Ok I sent em :3
Hi penguuu
i got Marshal so can you put a bow under him?
Sending the payment soon~
i have obtained stitches sending payment now![]()
My form for the signature I'd like to buy for my friend! Thank you so much for all your help!
Username: Melsi (but having it made for DarkShadow)
Town: Boltaria (fc: 452787567308)
Mayor: Dark
Border: Up to you! Whatever you think would look best!
Template Shape: Also up to you!
Colors: (text, border, background colors) Up to you! Whatever you think would fit the background.
Background: (if transparent, put "N/A") Font Preferences: NA
Include dreamies?: (If yes, list the names || If no, put "N/A") Drago (obtained), Kiki, Biskit, Del, Kyle, Walt, Sterling, Monty, Lionel, and Roscoe
Include names under sprites?: If you think it would look good or have space to.
Animated?: No
Anything else: He doesn't have a dream address yet so maybe will add that at a later point.
Could there be a obtained reference? For villagers obtained, they could have a gold axe. For not obtained, the cracked normal axe (third one in the row).
Username: Kallicalico
Town: Patria
Mayor: Kalli
Border: Dotted
Template Shape: Rounded Rectangle
Colors: black, 9DDB9A
Background: n/a
Font Preferences: n/a
Villagers: n/a
Include names under sprites?: n/a
Include dreamies?: Mint (obtained), Cally, Diana (obtained), Felicity, Lolly, Kiki, Fauna, Anicotti (obtained), Ankha, Pekoe.
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Animated?: No
Anything else: Just want to add my Dream Address, if possible: 4000-3647-5119 and Friend Code: 5172-0885-8524.
Also, a little pixel thing to indicate that I already got said dreamie. >o<
Other than that, I'm not all that picky. I just want a simple signature for my dreamies. u____u
Sending my TBTs to you ASAP :V Hope I got everything right.
Username: Purpur
Town: Paradise
Mayor: Purpur
Border: No border
Template Shape: Rounded rectangle
Colors: Text #F49AFC Background #FCDBFF
Background: pixel scene #81
Font Preferences: -
Villagers: Marshal, Merengue, Stitches, Diana, Fauna, Chrissy, Francine, Muffy, Bam, Zucker
Include names under sprites?: Yes
Include dreamies?: N/A
Animated?: Yes
Anything else: please make it as cute and girly as possible, I'm ready to pay extra. I would also like my native fruit (apple with a picture of the perfect apple) FC (4613 6671 4178) and DA (7500 4198 2341) to be on the signature.
Thank you!
Haha, nice. :3 I think I already have something in mind I can do for it, so this should work out great!Your total comes out to 270, so please send that over as soon as you can.
And one more thing, you mentioned a background color, when you picked a pixel background, so do you want that color as an overlay or something?
Slots are full, but I should have a slot open tonight or tomorrow. Please check back later~ :3
Oh, no, I want a pixel background, I just messed everything up, sorryBefore I forget, I'd like to replace Muffy with Julian I've just traded. Thanks!
Template Shape:
Background:#68 TBT-Miracre-siggy
Font Preferences:
Villagers: Fushia *, Twiggy*, Bunnie*, Bella*, Pinky*,Stiches^, Nana^, Shari^, Flurry^, Apple *reamies I have, ^Dreamies I want.
Your Choice
Include dreamies?: They are above
Yes, your choice of color
Animated?: Whatever #68 is
Anything else: If I can et it in Purple Yeah if not just like #68, town fruit is Cherries, Can I get purple flower icon of your choice by the dreamies I have?
Total: Please let me know I am not sure how to figure the price out, for I don't really know all that stuff you asked for. I will be willing to pay up to 700 TBT's. Thank you. My friend code is 2277-7685-8137.
I'm sorry to be a bother, but I just want to update my order real quick. I received Ankha earlier this evening and I just want her marked as 'received' in my sig. I'll pay the extra if it's too much of a bother. ;v;
Oops x_x never mind! Sorry