People who you want to talk to on the forums

Well, I've always wanted to talk to;

P o c k y


Miharu //even though we talk like-- all the time but i love herrr XD

Lucanosa (because he seems fab ;^)

Sparro (because I secretly love him haha)

pandapples (hnnnn ;______; )

Hatori! (I've done a trade with them once and they're soo nice u v u )

lucanosa is fab :)
but not me omg i feel unloved
I want to talk to all of the super amazing artists here. I feel like I might be able to absorb some of their talent via PM/VM :'>
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Crystalmilktea, Asuka, Pandapples, Aerate, Izzy, Hatori and Ardrey.
A lot of other people but :rolleyes:
Crystalmilktea, I dunno. They just seem like a kind and knowledgeable person~
Well, I've always wanted to talk to;

P o c k y


Miharu //even though we talk like-- all the time but i love herrr XD

Lucanosa (because he seems fab ;^)

Sparro (because I secretly love him haha)

pandapples (hnnnn ;______; )

Hatori! (I've done a trade with them once and they're soo nice u v u )

Crystalmilktea, Asuka, Pandapples, Aerate, Izzy, Hatori and Ardrey.
A lot of other people but :rolleyes:

Aw hi!
Sugarella :rolleyes: Bloobloop, Hatori, SuperStar2361, P o c k y, and Buddy

Lily sucks!!!!
She won't stop shipping me with people.

You take that back, she's an innocent sweetheart!

Well, I've always wanted to talk to;

P o c k y


Miharu //even though we talk like-- all the time but i love herrr XD

Lucanosa (because he seems fab ;^)

Sparro (because I secretly love him haha)

pandapples (hnnnn ;______; )

Hatori! (I've done a trade with them once and they're soo nice u v u )

xD I never thought I'd ever be mentioned here
but I'm happy to talk with anyone and my inbox is usually full empty c:
just VM me just in case