People with City Themed Islands


Senior Member
Mar 4, 2020
My island has been a fairycore / cottagecore design for quite some time already and I’m currently toying with the idea of tearing it all down and maybe trying a more landscaped / city design this time around. For those of you guys who have city themed islands and use patterns for roads, how many pattern slots would I need to reserve for them at the very least? In fairy / cottage core islands we usually use the famous “the path” which takes a minimum 9 slots. For city roads, I imagine it must be more right? Maybe 15? Appreciate your feedbacks on this. :)
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it kinda depends on what you wanna do. you will need the 9 slots the same as in the path but probably the inner corners too so thats 13 already. then you can think about other stuff you need for a road like crosswalks vertical and horizontal (maybe even diagonal?) and some other kind of road signs? like a parking lot or a stop sign.
but i would love to see what you do, i feel like we dont have enough city themed islands :D i only have a kidcore city theme so its not quite the same xD
i also use the cobblestone path instead of real road designs because i want to add stuff like chalk drawings, you could think about that too depneding on what you wanna do, i use patterns for the borders to make it more road like