Perfect AC Game Idea!

A restaurant.

It'll start out small, and you'll be able to work there whenever you want, learn to cook tasty foods, and in the end it'll be a fancy 5 star restaurant.

Puts the fruits to even further use. And in the city, we'll have a mini mart/quick stop, a cooking supplies store, and a pet shop. Pet shop would sell fish and insects, but they don't count as caught unless you catch em yourself. Any other ideas, cause I said all I could.
Tombi2-2010 said:
I agree with all of these, if you'd like this sort of game, then we all must mass email Nintendo of America and Europe. ;)
That would have no effect,trust me,people have tried doing stuff like that before with tens of thousands of people,and still nothing happened.
Mr.L said:
Tombi2-2010 said:
I agree with all of these, if you'd like this sort of game, then we all must mass email Nintendo of America and Europe. ;)
That would have no effect,trust me,people have tried doing stuff like that before with tens of thousands of people,and still nothing happened.
Good point Mr.L
Oh God... I made a giant list somewhere before....

OK Ill try and get everything out...

1. Bigger town
2. New Shops with new animals running them in this bigger town
3. Divirsity in this new town, give different sections of the town their own feel
4. New Fruit
5. New personality types
6. Make the city a proper city, not just a plaza.
7. Most items in your house completely interactive (a mini pinball game in the pinball machine, a mini-schedule of TV shows, hosted by new animals etc.)
8. Bigger houses
9.The option to get rid of grass if you want to
10.More travelling salespeople (They pretty much stopped that and just threw all the animals into the city)
11. You'll sometimes see animals in buildings like the museum, or they'll decide to go into the cith with you on some day
13. Holiday home. (or if they got the city right, you could rent an apartment or something [but I'd only want this if the city was fun enough])
14. Give the holidays more meaning, more fun, more interactive.
16. Come up with something original in terms of town layout... (not just the acre system or the rollig log again)
17.More furniture
18.Make the travelling salespeople more fun, give me more incentive to see track them down, make them enchance the game in ways I couldnt do by myself)
19. More tools
20.More collectibles.
21.The ability to vist different locations (like the island, but make it that you cant go all the time, change the location you go to everyday or something...)
22.More Fish and bugs, new ways of catching them.
23. I will add more >: S

I scratched my brain deep making this list, and I started to realise just how damn lazy nintendo got while making city folk... Quite annoying, since most of this stuff would only require a little bit of creativity.
Harpooning my Tuna....that would be badass.

And by collectibles, what about Trading Cards? Tom Nook can sell em. Different types too. AC Trading Cards and....Monster Cards? I love your ideas bro. You should Mail them to nintendo, but neatly and grammar checked.
Here are some ideas, I think they'd be awesome-

- Being able to choose your eyes and hair at the begging (I hate how it does it by itself)
- Being able to go online with other players
- A car to drive to your neighbors etc.
- bigger town with the houses far from eachother
- Police driving around making sure you don't speed (when they go on breaks you can xD)
- Having a hungry meter. When your hungry, ya' gotta eat. When you don't eat then.... :(
- Being able to do quests. (it can be an automatic movie scene when you're doing something hard >:D)
- Being able to level up in things (fishing, cutting, etc.)
- Able to have a phone and talk to your friends (text or if you have a wii speak you can talk)

I would think of more but I'm sure if they're good or will work.
What you think?
Tombi2-2010 said:
Khocol4te said:
Off-line town visiting would be nice. That way you can explore their village and talk to their neighbors, even when they aren't online.
That's good, but do you agree that some not so nice people might be able to wreck towns then?
They could make it where you aren't allowed to pick up/drop or use equipment when they are offline.

And another idea would be a trade feature, rather than just dropping items and picking them up to swap.
Azila said:
Here are some ideas, I think they'd be awesome-

- Being able to choose your eyes and hair at the begging (I hate how it does it by itself)
- Being able to go online with other players
- A car to drive to your neighbors etc.
- bigger town with the houses far from eachother
- Police driving around making sure you don't speed (when they go on breaks you can xD)
- Having a hungry meter. When your hungry, ya' gotta eat. When you don't eat then.... :(
- Being able to do quests. (it can be an automatic movie scene when you're doing something hard >:D)
- Being able to level up in things (fishing, cutting, etc.)
- Able to have a phone and talk to your friends (text or if you have a wii speak you can talk)

I would think of more but I'm sure if they're good or will work.
What you think?
*This may have already been said but*
Your can choose your head and hair but only certain ways, just search "Animal crossing character guide"
But back on topic.
Basically EVERYTHING EVERYONE has said...but we all know nintendo wont get off their asses sitting on the Wii money thrones, and will probably take out all holidays and everything besides nooks shop, and then again, they'll probably only put nooks cranny the way things have been going ... -_-
Khocol4te said:
Tombi2-2010 said:
Khocol4te said:
Off-line town visiting would be nice. That way you can explore their village and talk to their neighbors, even when they aren't online.
That's good, but do you agree that some not so nice people might be able to wreck towns then?
They could make it where you aren't allowed to pick up/drop or use equipment when they are offline.

And another idea would be a trade feature, rather than just dropping items and picking them up to swap.
Problem: they can shake bell trees and stuff XP
Pretty much everything that's been said. I hated the interaction between CPU and human in CF. You had to walk away or enter a house for them to change the subject. It needs to revert to the old way.
Bacon Boy said:
Pretty much everything that's been said. I hated the interaction between CPU and human in CF. You had to walk away or enter a house for them to change the subject. It needs to revert to the old way.

I prefer the entensive things the animals talk about in AC:GC.
Tombi2-2010 said:
Bacon Boy said:
Pretty much everything that's been said. I hated the interaction between CPU and human in CF. You had to walk away or enter a house for them to change the subject. It needs to revert to the old way.

I prefer the entensive things the animals talk about in AC:GC.
Yay for their random off topic speeches. And you would have more things to do, because they'd always forget to give someone something or etc.
Mr.L said:
Tombi2-2010 said:
I agree with all of these, if you'd like this sort of game, then we all must mass email Nintendo of America and Europe. ;)
That would have no effect,trust me,people have tried doing stuff like that before with tens of thousands of people,and still nothing happened.
That's what the Earth Bound fans did but, nothing has happened. Nintendo of America doesn't even care if Earth Bound is emulated which clearly shows how much Nintendo of America cares. /sarcasm
K.K.Slider said:
Azila said:
Here are some ideas, I think they'd be awesome-

- Being able to choose your eyes and hair at the begging (I hate how it does it by itself)
- Being able to go online with other players
- A car to drive to your neighbors etc.
- bigger town with the houses far from eachother
- Police driving around making sure you don't speed (when they go on breaks you can xD)
- Having a hungry meter. When your hungry, ya' gotta eat. When you don't eat then.... :(
- Being able to do quests. (it can be an automatic movie scene when you're doing something hard >:D)
- Being able to level up in things (fishing, cutting, etc.)
- Able to have a phone and talk to your friends (text or if you have a wii speak you can talk)

I would think of more but I'm sure if they're good or will work.
What you think?
*This may have already been said but*
Your can choose your head and hair but only certain ways, just search "Animal crossing character guide"
But back on topic.
Basically EVERYTHING EVERYONE has said...but we all know nintendo wont get off their asses sitting on the Wii money thrones, and will probably take out all holidays and everything besides nooks shop, and then again, they'll probably only put nooks cranny the way things have been going ... -_-
Yeah, but what if you don't have a computer? Hehe.
New tools: a pickaxe so you can get minerals out the hills and a rake for taking away leaf.
Azila said:
K.K.Slider said:
Azila said:
Here are some ideas, I think they'd be awesome-

- Being able to choose your eyes and hair at the begging (I hate how it does it by itself)
- Being able to go online with other players
- A car to drive to your neighbors etc.
- bigger town with the houses far from eachother
- Police driving around making sure you don't speed (when they go on breaks you can xD)
- Having a hungry meter. When your hungry, ya' gotta eat. When you don't eat then.... :(
- Being able to do quests. (it can be an automatic movie scene when you're doing something hard >:D)
- Being able to level up in things (fishing, cutting, etc.)
- Able to have a phone and talk to your friends (text or if you have a wii speak you can talk)

I would think of more but I'm sure if they're good or will work.
What you think?
*This may have already been said but*
Your can choose your head and hair but only certain ways, just search "Animal crossing character guide"
But back on topic.
Basically EVERYTHING EVERYONE has said...but we all know nintendo wont get off their asses sitting on the Wii money thrones, and will probably take out all holidays and everything besides nooks shop, and then again, they'll probably only put nooks cranny the way things have been going ... -_-
Yeah, but what if you don't have a computer? Hehe.
A car?
Thats a horrible idea, it just doesnt fit the whole animal crossing feeling...

And it takes you no more than 20 seconds to visit any animal, I can garuntee you...
Ciaran said:
Azila said:
K.K.Slider said:
Azila said:
Here are some ideas, I think they'd be awesome-

- Being able to choose your eyes and hair at the begging (I hate how it does it by itself)
- Being able to go online with other players
- A car to drive to your neighbors etc.
- bigger town with the houses far from eachother
- Police driving around making sure you don't speed (when they go on breaks you can xD)
- Having a hungry meter. When your hungry, ya' gotta eat. When you don't eat then.... :(
- Being able to do quests. (it can be an automatic movie scene when you're doing something hard >:D)
- Being able to level up in things (fishing, cutting, etc.)
- Able to have a phone and talk to your friends (text or if you have a wii speak you can talk)

I would think of more but I'm sure if they're good or will work.
What you think?
*This may have already been said but*
Your can choose your head and hair but only certain ways, just search "Animal crossing character guide"
But back on topic.
Basically EVERYTHING EVERYONE has said...but we all know nintendo wont get off their asses sitting on the Wii money thrones, and will probably take out all holidays and everything besides nooks shop, and then again, they'll probably only put nooks cranny the way things have been going ... -_-
Yeah, but what if you don't have a computer? Hehe.
A car?
Thats a horrible idea, it just doesnt fit the whole animal crossing feeling...

And it takes you no more than 20 seconds to visit any animal, I can garuntee you...
I said BIGGER town. If you had a HUGEEEE town then it wouldn't take that long. And the car doesn't go SO fast cause of the cops.