Perfect AC Game Idea!

YouLittleElly said:
1.To be able to choose your option, like Sims, if you're young, you get to go to school, older, get a job. Or not. D;

2. To be able to go to the bathroom D:

3. More events please.
4. When you talk to your neighbors they can ask you to do a favor for some stuff, (GC idea.
:D )
Why not just play the Sims?..
UltimateManaBeast77 said:
ToontownLeroy said:
A New Nook shop Exanpsion Called Nook Shopping Center? Which has

Three Floors,
3 Medicine
7 Tools
5 Wallpapers
5 Carpets
6 Stationary
5 Paint Cans (Only one can be Chosen
10 Flower Seeds
5 Saplings
12 Furnitures

you need 500,000, to Expand the shop.

Opens 7AM-10PM
Closed on Xmas Day

Services: Fruit Smoothie Maker, Laser Eye Treatment (can change Colour of eyes)
Try Nookmall. ;)
That would be awesome.
pielover6 said:
There are only two things I wish were in AC:CF.

1. Different skin color/ethnicity. Its a colorful world out there, and I'm not Caucasian =S

2. A WiFi plaza, you know from HG,SS, and Platinum except Animal Crossing style.
They already have that, during the summer, or on a sunny day in your game, stay near the beach part for an hour or so without an umbrella in use, and continue to every day and you will see his/her skin get a bit darker every day.
HeartGold said:
pielover6 said:
There are only two things I wish were in AC:CF.

1. Different skin color/ethnicity. Its a colorful world out there, and I'm not Caucasian =S

2. A WiFi plaza, you know from HG,SS, and Platinum except Animal Crossing style.
They already have that, during the summer, or on a sunny day in your game, stay near the beach part for an hour or so without an umbrella in use, and continue to every day and you will see his/her skin get a bit darker every day.
Yes, but it disappears during fall and winter, then you have light skin again. What I mean is that you could make your character that color and it wouldn't disappear. And why would I wait outside an hour to have my own skin color just to have it disappear.

Plus, a tan is not a different ethnicity.
what about an ac game based on different countries. example: depending how you answer the questions rover (or however asks you) gives depends on what country your town is modeled after.

If you tell rover you like shoppping or buildings, artwork, etc. maybe your town will look like france.(because of france's famous buildings and fashion desgins)
if you answer you like beachs, or you like (don't know) warm climates. your town could look like Italy.

something along the lines of animal crossing having different designs and ideas instead of the same thing, (living in a forest village thats barley populated).

Also differnet places to go to outside of your town
Note: i don't know if these ideas were posted.

A neutral town to visit: (a place that has different animals and a default human that can be your friend.)

A default human character: (to show you how things work in town no more talking to that guy on the bus on your way to the town. no more Rover. have a human that knows the ropes of Animal towns show you around and stuff.)

The island returns: ( We need the island back! with a little shopping stand and 3 animals so it can be like a mini community on your island.)

The Return of the NES: ( i loved this in the original. it was so cool to be able to play the classics, but this time, include new games to be played.)

A Create-A-Dingoid maker in Ables: ( like blanka's face maker, just for dingoids. :gyroidsideways: )

The Acadamey house calls: ( let the animals at Happy room acadamey makeover your house....for 100,000 bells each..or lower.)

A health bar: ( we got fruit to eat, and bugs who bite, pitfalls to fall in, let it hurt! and show it on a status bar! of and food sold at stores.)

A garden: ( an official garden were you plant vegetables! no more stalk market! its a whole world of veggies out there!)

Seed and food stores: ( seeds for your garden, and a food store cause of the health bar.)

different races and faces: ( i want to be a black character! and we need more faces to get at start of game.)

More space: (More space for names! I want t call myself SUPERAWESOMEMEGADOOD and live in AWESOMERADTOWNPLACE!!!!
Guys, most of theese ideas just don't 'fit' animal crossing.
The car, for example, and the mobile phone, completely remove the whole point of having a gate or train station or bus stop, and the letter system.

Nintendo needs to think outside the box and add new features instead of new items.

The academy home-makeover service was a great idea, (but you should be able to pay them UP TO 150,000 bells, the more you pay, the better the makeover)

Simply adding new items won't help, we need new non-villager characters, new shops, a bigger (but still managable) town, new personalities for animals etc.

Also: see the giant list I put up.
What I think we need is the holidays from the original Animal Crossing, make the city from CF bigger, the one area for the four houses in the original, and maybe the different countries thing that goldfish mentioned. And I want Rover back, instead of Kappan. (Or however you spell that name....) In fact, bring the train back, instead of a car or bus. What sounds more interesting, a taxi, or a train?
Everything thats been said on the first post but:
More fruit
Ground fruit (Worth more)
Hold more bells
more inventory space
even bigger houses then the WW ones
More items (Duh)
Jrrj15 said:
Everything thats been said on the first post but:
More fruit
Ground fruit (Worth more)
Hold more bells
more inventory space
even bigger houses then the WW ones
More items (Duh)
I agree with most of this, except for the more fruit. Why do we need more fruit? Nintendo would price it the exact same as an apple or cherry or something, and it would be the same price as an apple would be in a cherry town. Now if it was a really rare fruit, then I could see it. Like maybe a golden apple? And since I remember this, I would also like to say that we need to bring the island back, but with more stuff on it, besides two houses and a flag. Island Tom Nook, anyone?
an island and the city. I love that idea! You shouldn't need to have a GBA to get to the island either xP
Shuness said:
Jrrj15 said:
Everything thats been said on the first post but:
More fruit
Ground fruit (Worth more)
Hold more bells
more inventory space
even bigger houses then the WW ones
More items (Duh)
I agree with most of this, except for the more fruit. Why do we need more fruit? Nintendo would price it the exact same as an apple or cherry or something, and it would be the same price as an apple would be in a cherry town. Now if it was a really rare fruit, then I could see it. Like maybe a golden apple? And since I remember this, I would also like to say that we need to bring the island back, but with more stuff on it, besides two houses and a flag. Island Tom Nook, anyone?
We could have more fruit to make your town look more pretty? XD
Yes the Island but no Gba thats dumb! :mad: unless they decide to change it to ds and not need a cable with it ;)
*able to take a cruise / go on vacation
*still have the city but bigger with an airport
*the ability to swim / build pools for your house
gandalfail said:
*able to take a cruise / go on vacation
*still have the city but bigger with an airport
*the ability to swim / build pools for your house
What would the plane be for? And what would you do on cruise?
Jrrj15 said:
gandalfail said:
*able to take a cruise / go on vacation
*still have the city but bigger with an airport
*the ability to swim / build pools for your house
What would the plane be for? And what would you do on cruise?
mabye there could be special sovouniers you could buy on the cruise

also the swimming pool would come into play there
Jrrj15 said:
gandalfail said:
*able to take a cruise / go on vacation
*still have the city but bigger with an airport
*the ability to swim / build pools for your house
What would the plane be for? And what would you do on cruise?
Maybe the Plane could be for going to diffrent Places, like say one person wanted to go to a persons town but the person is in a diffrent country they should make it that they would need to use the plane to go to that town and maybe a train if the other persons town is in the same country.
Here's the perfect AC game idea:

If Nintendo makes a new one, go back to the old-style towns with acres. Also, rein in the excessive amounts of items.