Pet Peeves in Animal Crossing

- Grass deterioration
- Villager plot placements
- PWP limit
- Small town ~ more space needed
- More pattern space is needed
- Rocks get in the way :(
I get angry at a lot, but I wouldn't call anything bad enough for me to hate. The game is too nice!
I dislike:
-How long it takes for the owls to wake up
-Full pockets, and the speech that comes with them
-Not being able to change said rocks
-When your pockets are full
-PWPs you can't erase or move
-Villagers moving into the skinny parts of my town/moving into places where there's only one space in front
-Timmy and Tommy's spiels get annoying
-When shadows go past the rope barrier
-Full. Pockets.
Well, let's see here...

*That part time job Tom Nook literally forces you to do in Wild World/City Folk. He doesn't even pay me for it with hard cash! Oh, and if you refuse he has the nerve to call you "selfish". Selfish!?
*Stores not having that one object that you need. Then you have to wait. And sometimes the store doesn't even replace equipment, such as shovels and axes, immediately so you have to continue waiting... And waiting...
*Not being able to catch a shark without losing a few others first. Is it just me or does this always happen?
*That neighbor you loathe refusing to move away and then having the nerve to give you their picture!
*Running over your flowers and trampling them on accident.
*Laying down paths. It takes an eternity...

There are probably more...
This may sound silly but it really bothers me!!

There are 8 hamsters..
3 Female... 5 Male..
Only one personality is missing.. uchi

The male hamsters are; Jock, Cranky, Lazy & 2 Smug

WHY DIDNT They do 4 female hamsters, one of each personality
then 4 male hamsters, one of each personality

why the need for 2 smugs >.< would have made much more sense!
There are so many pet peeves I can list.. -_-
Fishy insta-biters (they make me jump)
Seabass and ocean sunfish
Villagers running on my precious flowers
Kicking up floor tiles when I don't mean to
Villagers giving me bs offers or bs prices.
And finally..
blue roses.. In general (5% breed rate makes me sob) ;-;
"wow you look tired you should take a break!!"
I hate this one time I literally set down my 3ds to go outside with my dogs so my ACNL character's tan would wear off. I came back inside and talked to a villager and they had the nerve to tell me to take a break!

I also get startled when villagers try to visit my house when I'm just chillin' in there. It just gets me so bad every time. It's cool but I'll zone out and the town tune will scare me.
This is why I move all my hybrids and such to the beach, where Villagers can't build their houses.

EDIT: Whoops, didn't realize this would make a new page. I hope you guys know who I'm talking to.
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-Grass deterioration
-Some of the changes due to localization (genders etc)
-Lack of closet/wardrobe space
I agree with the excessive amount of sea basses... They just get annoying after a while (especially when you think you caught a rare fish)

And for me, I'm kind of sad that blathers doesn't blabbers about dinosaurs, insects and fishes anymore; in the past games, I was always looking forward to what he had to say about the items i would donate ; ;
Oh, I just remembered. It annoys me somewhat that you can't shake trees while holding an umbrella in NL. I'm almost certain you could do it in past games, unless I'm remembering wrong. I've gotten used to it now, but still...
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I don't really have pet peeves, but I wish I could enact a town ordinance that required everyone to wear a nice shirt.
When someone I am looking for is deep in the museum.
When the megaphone doesn't work.
Sea Bass here too!