Shop Peter's IGB/TBT Exchange - <<20 million IGB for 100TBT>>

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Hey everyone, Thanks to you all for all the orders!
Recently I started a cycling town, so I've been ignoring this thread a bit, but due to the massive amount of orders i'm getting, i'm temporarily closing this thread, just for a little while.
I've traded most of my IGB that I had, and making more by selling turnips and visiting the island all the time (whilst also running my other thread) is taking up all my time, so I won't be taking orders for a while.
I'll still be more than happy to trade with everyone who has already placed an order, and who I have PM'd regarding a trade, but after that I'm going to spend some time filling up my bank again, and hopefully can reopen this thread once i've got some more time:blush:
I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who I've traded with, and I hope to see you all again soon when I reopen!

I'm reopening!
I finally finished cycling, so have a lot more time for this thread! I've been saving up a ton of IGB so i'm taking orders again c:
Hey, could I trade 200 TBT for 40mil IGB?

yes of course!
just getting a villager for my second town at the moment though so could PM you when i'm available (maybe 30-40 mins) if thats okay? c:
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yes of course!
just getting a villager for my second town at the moment though so could PM you when i'm available (maybe 30-40 mins) if thats okay? c:

Yeah just drop me a PM when you're ready :) I'll add you in the meantime. BTW just restarted my town so excuse the state of it haha.
Hi :) could I trade 100 TBT? Let me know if possible :cool: also, when would you want me to send the TBT? Thanks!
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