Shop Peter's IGB/TBT Exchange - <<20 million IGB for 100TBT>>

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Yes, I am! I'll add you in just a second!

Thanks I've got your TBT, I'll be there soon!:blush:

- - - Post Merge - - -

Hey, I've sent you a PM, can't seem to see your town in my list, could you close and reopen your gates for me please?:blush:
Can I trade 200 TBT for 40 million? Sorry if that's too much, I just have a lot of TBT and not many bells in game. :)
Can I trade 200 TBT for 40 million? Sorry if that's too much, I just have a lot of TBT and not many bells in game. :)

That should be fine! I'm just in the middle of trading with somebody else at the moment, so is it okay if I PM you in about 5 or 10 minutes when I'm finished?:blush:
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bump before I go to sleep!
Leave me an offer and I'll get back to you tomorrow!:blush:
I'm online now and ready to take orders:blush:
I'll do the 180 trade c: Soo 36mil?

Yeah sounds good! I'm a little busy at the moment, trying to unlock the Train Station upgrade haha, could I PM you in about half an hour and we could trade then?:blush:
Good enough for me ^^

Adding you now, thank you for being patient! I've PM'd you a special discount for making you wait so long as a way of apologising haha:blush:
I'll be over soon!
Comment orders now and I'll get back to you tomorrow:blush:
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