Shop Peter's IGB/TBT Exchange - <<20 million IGB for 100TBT>>

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If you still have any left, could I get 10M IGB for 50TBT? ^^

Of course! I'm just a bit busy at the moment, but I'll be available in about 10 minutes if that's okay?:blush:
Could I also trade 50 btb for 10m? C: Im not available atm though
Okay I transferred the TBT and my gates are open :)

Thank you! See you soon

- - - Post Merge - - -

Sorry, your town isn't showing up on my list? Could you close and reopen your gates please
Sounds great! I'm ready whenever you are just VM me when you're online!

Hi Peter! Are you free to make our trade right now? :) I know it will probably take a while xD I'll VM you and add you! I'll send the 200 TBT as soon as you confirm :)
Hi Peter! Are you free to make our trade right now? :) I know it will probably take a while xD I'll VM you and add you! I'll send the 200 TBT as soon as you confirm :)

Haha yeah it will take about half an hour to drop it all if that's okay?:blush: Adding your FC now, see you soon!
Bump before I go to sleep!
Feel free to leave me orders for tomorrow, or maybe small ones now haha...
Hi there!

I only need 2 million to pay off my 2nd characters house. So that's 10 TBT? Let me know if you're willing to trade and are available ^__^
Hi there!

I only need 2 million to pay off my 2nd characters house. So that's 10 TBT? Let me know if you're willing to trade and are available ^__^

I'd be more than happy to trade that:blush: Are you available now?
Yes I am! I'll add your FC and send the TBT your way. How do you prefer to do your trades?

I'll come to your town and drop the bells somewhere, usually by the train station is best because it's close to the bank haha:)
Alright, then I'll open up my gates! There should be enough space at my train station ^__^
Alright, then I'll open up my gates! There should be enough space at my train station ^__^

yeah it should be fine! 2 million IGB is only a little over one full inventory:blush:
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