So, I was thinking it would be a good idea to have a universal clock for The Bell Tree (idea by Aloan_Apples). I feel likeit would be eaiser for players to cordinate times with each other and make some people more comfortbale as they don't have to share their acual time zone. It would also elminate people tranlsting their times to other peoples time, saving time and elimiantion some possible errors. The Universal clock would run on a 24 Hour cycle with no pm or am, so it would go like this (0:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00... 11:00, 12:00, 13:00, and so on till 23:59. The Universal clock would be synced on the hour for every time,( ex. 1:00 Est could mean the universal clock would be 3:00, or 1:00 PST could mean the universal clock in 3:00 if those two clocks happen to run on the same time). The time the clock is synced with would be determined by a vote or the staff. Lastly, the clock could be call BTT (Bell Tree Time, but it already a acual timzone) or TBTT (The Bell Tree Time). Let me know what you think and if you support this. New Ideas are welcome of courese too!
This is not a demand but just an idea. Please treat it as such.
This is not a demand but just an idea. Please treat it as such.